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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 24, 2016 more
In my experience, having been through this situation, is to sit down with the person and go through exactly why they cheated, what drove them to do it and what their outlook is for the future. Honesty is important and to move towards trusting them again as cheating is normally coupled with lying. You, or at the time I, need to hear and believe why they cheated in the first place. Once you are convinced they have been honest with you, you can then decide what it is you want to do going forward ... I hope this helps
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Profile: yasminmarie
yasminmarie on May 14, 2016 more
You don't, If someone for a second could be with someone else and kiss them or make love to them without thinking about you, then they do NOT deserve a second of your time. You're amazing and you deserve someone who is willing to give you the world. You don't deserve someone who'd rather be with someone else than you.
Profile: coldmemories
coldmemories on May 19, 2016 more
Forgiving a cheater does not mean promising him or her you will forget about the infidelity. It doesn’t involve condoning or excusing the cheating, or staying in the relationship if you don’t want to. It’s all about how you feel, both towards the partner and internally. Forgiveness is part of the journey of moving on with your life after someone hurts you in such a humiliating way. It’s about looking out for your mental health, not letting the cheater off the hook.
Profile: heyitsveraxoxo
heyitsveraxoxo on May 21, 2016 more
It's all a matter of preference. If you really want to be with the person, you could choose to forgive them, but keep in mind that they could do it again.
Profile: caringPerspective34
caringPerspective34 on Apr 22, 2018 more
To start this answer off, I have been cheated on in the past, I forgave the person and moved on with my life without them in it. If someone has cheated on you, it brings up a huge conflict in your mind. On one hand this person is someone you care about more than most on this planet but on the other they have managed to hurt you more than most people on this planet could. You just can't accept that the person you cared about so much could hurt you like this. The way I personally viewed it was that the person who I loved had passed on and didn't exist anymore, I missed that person but they were never coming back. The new person in their place wasn't someone I really knew so I held no contempt against them, I said my goodbyes and grieved almost. It hurt a lot but it was the right thing for me to do in my situation. Only you know what's best for you in your situation, seek help, talk to people as much as possible and you'll eventually realise your own feelings about your own situation. Only then can you begin to move towards your desired path, which, if you want, will lead to forgiving someone. (Just remember that relationships can range from a week long thing to 5 years and married, every situation is unique) more
We have to forgive someone because we have to be stress free and should stop thinking themselves even they will understand our positive attitude
Profile: Serife
Serife on Jun 8, 2016 more
to forget and forgive are very difficult for me..Im trying really..but I could not..anymore I can not rely on other persons...
Profile: Thegreenarrow
Thegreenarrow on Sep 3, 2017 more
Truth be told there is no way you can completely forgive someone who has cheated on you. Because unlike any other bond it's the purest and most intimate. Breaking it thus will cause intense pain on the other side and I don't have tell you about that right? But I guess the closest we can do is to try to figure out why the other person did what he or she has done. Why cheat on you? What went wrong? What made them leave your side? Why did it happen? It's okay if you don't get the answers. You can ask them like in a friendly manner. It's called closure. No one with atleast some conscience can deny you closure. Ask the other person why what and other stuff you want to know. But beware you may not like what you hear. But at the same time the other person might exagerate too to not feel bad for what they have done. But usually closures give an insight into what mistakes you have done on your part which will improve you as a person.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 19, 2016 more
Look we all feel pressured to do bad things yes.. But you don't want to lose a friend or loved one over a mistake..
Profile: healingAngel99
healingAngel99 on Jun 5, 2016 more
being cheated on is an extremely hurtful and emotional experience but remember you will come out of it a stronger person. Initially it will hurt and you have to go through the emotions to overcome the pain but time is a healer and you will come out at the end with more wisdom and find a person that truly deserves you.
Profile: JuneRain16
JuneRain16 on Sep 13, 2018 more
Sometimes it may feel impossible for you to forgive someone who cheated on you. I've had this happen before. It is really hard. But if you forgive them, it doesn't mean you have to forget. If you truly love someone, you can forgive them and move on. If they truly love you, it will never happen again. Think of all the mistakes you have made, that they have forgiven you for, and try to harness that when trying to forgive them. It is really hard, and will take some time, but it is achievable. Think of the love you two share.
Profile: CleverPinky12
CleverPinky12 on Feb 20, 2020 more
1. To forgive someone tell your mind that you deserve better than him/her. 2. Sometimes heart need more time to understand the pain than your brain. So give some time for yourself. 3. Forgiving makes yourself strong and happy. So Forgive. 4. Think about the happy moments you spend with them and the love they provide for you. These will make you feel better when you interrupted by their thoughts of being cheated. 5. Forgiving those who cheated you is the best revenge you can give for them. So Forgive. There is no one in the world so perfect, including ourselves. So try to Forgive.
Profile: moonchild29
moonchild29 on May 31, 2016 more
Forgiving and forgetting are two different things. Forgive that person because it's important for your own mental well being. It's tiring to always be angry and hurtful, isn't it? So forgive. Let go. Taking him/her back is a bit more complicated though. First I think it's important to look at the reason why they cheat, and whether he/she can get over that reason and changes for better or not.
Profile: ListeningLight
ListeningLight on Jun 29, 2016 more
This is entirely down to your personal opinion. You are not obliged to forgive someone who cheated on you, however you are also allowed to if you wish. I think the only way to tell which is right for you is to give it time. Consider the best and worst case scenario for both forgiving and not forgiving before you make any tough decisions. And remember throughout that it it not a fault of your own that you have been cheated on.
Profile: uneverfall
uneverfall on Jun 1, 2016 more
forgiveness comes from heart and you are man of heart.let it go and feel calmness you achieve from it
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 4, 2016 more
Its hurt when someone cheated on you especially those who close with you. People told me that im innocent and always good to others. Perhaps thats why my friend (my ex-roommate) did take advantaged on me, cheated on me and talked bad about me behind me. And believe it, its hurt a lot especially when you knew these from someone else. After I knew about it, I cant be close to her anymore and pretend my feeling towards her. I dint stop our friendship but she did it. One day, she did come to me to seek for my forgiveness after something bad happened to her and she confessed to me about what she did to me. Yes, I already forgive her and she still my friend now. But still i cant totally forget about what she did to me. The pain still there and its part of your life. I learn about human nature and real life through this and it gave me experience on how to forgive and overcome your heart break. Lets forgive others even someone already hurt you. Your heart become more at ease and not aching anymore and you will find peace there. Its hard at first but try your best. God knows better about your feeling. I believe in even others cheated on you or did something bad on you but we should not do the same to others. I always remind me to promise myself about that.
Profile: HappyMrMe
HappyMrMe on Jun 8, 2016 more
It can be really tough to find it in your heart to forgive someone that cheated on you. It is also a very personal thing to do. The question should be more focused on can YOU forgive someone that cheated on you. It is very much your own choice in this case. Many things need to be taken into account such as how YOU feel about what has happened and if it can be forgive. Forgiveness is not something that can be taught, it can only be learnt. Be careful in forcing yourself into forgiving as this can lead to all kinds of problems down the line such as mental illness and large amounts of stress. Sometimes the best option is to do the hardest thing. You make the choice though.
Profile: zainishere
zainishere on Jun 11, 2016 more
When someone cheats on you, your mind and emotions scream at you to hate, punish and never forgive. It’s hard to let go of those feelings. Nonetheless, forgiving someone for cheating will actually benefit the faithful person more than the cheater. The anger we feel after infidelity is like a poison that lives in us. Forgiveness is the antidote and the only way to move on. You should try to forgive someone for cheating, but only once you understand what forgiveness means and how you can achieve it.
Profile: Supergirl94
Supergirl94 on Jun 16, 2016 more
It will be hard. But everyday forgive them, remind yourself why you should forgive them, why you WANT to forgive them. A way that helped me was not looking at forgiving them for them, but forgiving them for myself. To get past the hurt and pain within me because the longer I didn't forgive them and held onto what they did, the worse I felt. The more you let yourself let go, forgiving them even a tiny bit each day will help you through it. You may never understand why they did it, but understand why you must get through it, move on from it. And decide if you want to push through and try and make your relationship stronger or if you want to move away from the relationship and see where your path takes you from there. Learn from what has happened and make yourself a better, stronger person from it.
Profile: charmingOrange11
charmingOrange11 on Jun 30, 2016 more
You don't have to if you don't want to. Don't force it. If you attempt to patch things up and it still doesn't feel right then you should remove yourself from the situation. It could become toxic for you quickly. It might hurt to leave them behind but you just have to trust yourself and ask if they deserve to be forgiven.
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