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Profile: shubalubs
shubalubs on Jan 30, 2018 more
Mindfulness. Be aware with how your carry yourself day to day. How I started to become aware of my bipolar was through writing. I started by writing how I felt and then starting a mood journal. I would right three times a day about how I was feeling. Do this for a month and then see what you end up with. If you feel that you have bipolar then talk with a professional.
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Profile: eclipse18
eclipse18 on Mar 1, 2018 more
I found out through research and reading books on different types and extents of anxiety/depression. My girlfriend also discussed with me how I seemed to become a different person every now and then. I began to be mindful of when I started to go downhill and realized when I would go through a manic episode and become careless. Be careful when reading and researching and check your sources.
Profile: Havingfuninthesnow
Havingfuninthesnow on Mar 1, 2018 more
You can go to a therapist or a doctor and they will help determine this for you.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 13, 2018 more
Bipolar tendencies increase under stress. Mood swings will escalate. A bipolar person will become more and more out of control. People are usually diagnosed with bipolar during a crisis such as a divorce when their out of control state becomes obvious to the community. At that point a psychiatrist may be called in to observe their behavior in a controlled setting such as a hospital psychiatric ward. After diagnosing them as bipolar they will most likely put them on medication and schedule appointments for them to meet with a regular psychiatrist on an ongoing basis. The doctor assigned to them will make sure their life is following a normal course and that neither the lives of the bipolar patient nor his/her family are in jeopardy.
Profile: SavPerkin0115
SavPerkin0115 on Apr 23, 2018 more
You have to be diagnosed with Bipolar by a psychologist or a psychiatrist, until then, sadly you won't know for sure.
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