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Anyone else have parents who despite getting a diagnosis for you, refuse to believe you have autism?

Profile: wildghostmemories
wildghostmemories on Mar 1, 2020 more
First of all, I'm sorry to hear that your parents reacted that way to your autism diagnosis. That seems like it would be really painful and invalidating to have them reject something so personal to your experience.Having them not validating your experiences as a person with autism makes it seem like how you view the world is a bad thing, which it isn't. Being a person with autism is just another way of being a person and comes with its own beautiful and unique things to add to the world. You and your diagnosis are valid and valued and I can imagine it would be tiring to not have them see that.
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 30, 2022 more
My parents think the same way. Both my siblings (m&f) also have autism, my parents accept that and support them, but they refuse to beleive that I (f) am also autistic. I’ve been masking my whole life, that’s why they don’t realize that I am also like my siblings. They get angry as soon as I mention autism. I’m still not sure who I really am and what my unmasked personality is like. Sadly, I don’t know what you can do to help yourself, I can’t even help myself. Just kniw that you are not alone.
Profile: enthusiasticHouse8517
enthusiasticHouse8517 on Jan 27, 2023 more
Yes. I don't even talk about my suspected disability. It's hard to believe, especially with the stereotyped autistic boy who is non-verbal. I know autistic people... like my neighbor a 6yr old boy who is nonverbal and very happy and sweet. My cousin is on the spectrum. Quiet, organized, responsible. He is 16. But I don't want to talk to them about it, since they barely believed I have tics. Like, it was in front of their faces. I didn't even get a diagnosis because that could somehow mess up the well-oiled family we have now. I wouldn't change.... just unmask. So yes. But keep in mind, I suspect I have autism. I didn't officially get a diagnosis. Thanks.
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