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Profile: Kryssy88
Kryssy88 on Jan 2, 2016
Anxiety Expert more
Thinking about when I would be anxious about my boyfriend going out with his friends I realized I was in fear for my relationship. He may find someone prettier, thinner, or more exciting than I am. Is that something you may be feeling aswell?
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Profile: GorgeousMess88
GorgeousMess88 on Apr 14, 2016
Anxiety Expert more
I get nervous when he goes out because I'm scared he is with someone else. I'm afraid he will talk to other girls or he will talk to his friends about mine and his relationship and his friends will influence him to leave me or find someone else
Profile: Becca0926
Becca0926 on Jul 27, 2015
Anxiety Expert more
From my experiences, it is due to some insecurity within you. You're afraid he will cheat, drink too much, talk to another girl, that something will happen to him, etc. Trust is a big part of a relationship.
Profile: BrokenTeaCup
BrokenTeaCup on Dec 29, 2014 more
Maybe because you feel lonely and you don't want to be alone. Maybe he makes you feel safe and when he's gone you don't feel safe anymore. Hope this helped some.
Profile: Definitelynoprincess
Definitelynoprincess on Jan 7, 2016 more
I used to be like that too. Until I figured out it stems from my insecurities. I was worried he'd find someone better. Keep in mind - if he's with you, he wants to be. That won't change because he's having a beer with his friends.
Profile: AmyLynn93
AmyLynn93 on Nov 10, 2015 more
There could be a number of reasons for your anxiety when he leaves, but one thing is for certain... you're not alone. Many of us (men and women alike) struggle with this. Perhaps you've been betrayed in the past and worry that he'll do the same, maybe you feel lonely in general, maybe you're struggling with insecurity and fear that he'll find someone else. You should always follow your heart, but also keep in mind that our hearts can be a little overprotective sometimes, telling us to worry about things we may not need to worry about.
Profile: FallingDestiel0
FallingDestiel0 on Jan 24, 2016 more
You get anxious because you care! It's a normal response and perfectly healthy as long as you try to make sure paranoia doesn't get the best of you. You care about him and just want him to make it back safe without jeopardizing his life, your relationship, and everything inbetween. It's okay to get anxious.
Profile: thisismejessica
thisismejessica on Dec 22, 2014 more
Anxiety usually is closely related to fear. Try to ask your self, what do you fear when your boyfriend goes out? Is it something rational to fear about?
Profile: ClarionCall
ClarionCall on Mar 16, 2016 more
If your boyfriend has ever given you a reason to doubt your trust in him, then it makes sense that you'd be anxious. However, if he's trustworthy, then this anxiety probably has more to do with your own insecurities and fears. Even if you know he loves you, if you have low self esteem and feel that you're not good enough for him this can cause anxiety. So this is something that it's important to work on. Feeling better about yourself will cause you to feel more confident in your relationship, as well. And it's important that you do this. People can usually pick up on their partners' anxiety about this sort of thing and feel pressured by it, even if their partner doesn't tell them. If your boyfriend perceives that it upsets you when he goes out with friends, he may begin to resent you for making him choose between missing out and making you feel bad.
Profile: KaitlynnNicole
KaitlynnNicole on Jan 2, 2016 more
A lot of girls get anxious when their boyfriends go out(especially without them) because they think their boyfriend will find someone better.
Profile: BreatheAlways
BreatheAlways on Dec 10, 2015 more
You may struggle with feelings of abandonment and loneliness when your very important partner is not around. You may also feel worried that they are having more fun without you, or maybe you'd actually like to be out with them and feel left out. It's important to evaluate your thinking when you are experiencing anxiety; are you thinking rationally, or are your thoughts driven by negative self assertions? It can help to discuss your anxious feelings with your boyfriend, so he can better understand your worries and hopefully you can come to a place of understanding and peace. Relationships require open communication!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 10, 2017 more
From my last experience wasn't pleasant he will Come 2 am and with out answering the phone . Mayde me insecure . Is something I struggle and I hope we can help all each other .
Profile: EmmyRose
EmmyRose on Jul 14, 2015 more
It might be because you don't trust him. But maybe it is because someone else you trusted broke your trust as well. But you shouldn't worry, if he says he loves you then he will just go out and have a good time and come back and say that he loves you again.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 8, 2016 more
I believe that the root of my anxiety comes from something that happened in my childhood. My parents were always separated, so it gave me a negative view on love and relationships. Now that I've found someone I actually deeply care about, I get anxious about losing him, over the most smallest things. What I tell myself is to remember that he is with me for a reason, and will support me and help with my anxiety. So try to remind yourself of the things he does for you, what he does to show he cares, and feel at ease knowing you have someone you can trust and love.
Profile: forthelonghaul
forthelonghaul on Feb 8, 2016 more
Personal fears. It's something a lot of girls struggle with too- so don't feel alone. The best thing to do is know that these are your own fears and insecurities and acting on them could get you in hot water. Recognizing this too can help you better understand yourself and why you fear those things. From that you can try fostering better trust between you two while not giving into fears and insecurities.
Profile: naturalPalm52
naturalPalm52 on Jan 9, 2016 more
If you get anxious when your boyfriend goes out, it may be because there are some underlying trust issues in the relationship. You feel that because you are not close to him, you cannot control his behavior when he is out. If he is really a trustworthy person, then this may stem from somewhere inside of you; have you been hurt in the past? Where do you think these trust issues come from?
Profile: Sevenwishes
Sevenwishes on Dec 16, 2015 more
This may be because you want to know where he is and make sure he is doing nothing to hurt you. Tell your boyfriend how our feel and then he could try and text u every so often to let u know where he is.
Profile: Hazikk
Hazikk on Apr 21, 2016 more
Its posessiveness that makes you anxious. Be asvised that right amount of posessiveness is important but too much of it might ruin the relationship. Relax and have faith in him and your relationship.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 12, 2018 more
Maybe you are attached to him and you are scared to lose him. You might trust him but maybe you don’t trust other girls. I personally do not. You could also get anxious because you are genuinely worried about him. You could be worried about his safety. I always worry about him finding someone that is better than I am. Someone that is prettier or skinnier than me. This is very unhealthy though. You need to know that you are good enough for the right guy. If they leave you, they weren’t yours to begin with. If it’s meant to be it will be.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 2, 2016 more
You get anxious when your boyfriend goes out because you're worried he's cheating, or that you aren't good enough and he'll find someone better. But don't be anxious, you are good enough and I'm sure he loves you like you love him.
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