When is it necessary to seek professional help to deal with anxiety?
33 Answers
Last Updated: 01/18/2022 at 9:20am
Moderated by
Jessica McDaniel, LPC, LCPC
Licensed Professional Counselor
I have been practicing cognitive behavioral psychotherapy since 2007 with a diverse group of adult clients with various diagnoses, all races, and socioeconomic classes.
Top Rated Answers
When it's becoming to much for you to handle, and you can't always say "Yeah I got this," when you really don't. If you can't breathe or speak, or function properly. You should seek professional help to deal with it, and so you can learn how to handle with some support.
April 1st, 2015 9:09am
When you start to feel it as a normal part of your everyday life. I started feeling anxiety at school. and it was so bad that I could not go. So, I have to be home schooled.
When you think that your anxiety is getting out of hand and no positive thinking or breathing exercise is helping. Also when your anxiousness proves to be an obstacle in your day to day life and causes you distress..you should get help.
September 13th, 2016 12:03pm
I believe it is necessary to seek professional help to deal with anxiety when it interferes with your daily life. When you are so anxious you are unable to hold down a job or interact with family then you should seek help.
You can talk to a professional even if you don't feel anxious! By this I mean that you do not need to wait until something really serious happens in your life. Even if you feel that you can handle the feeling of anxiousness, it would be an act of kindness towards your own self to discuss anything that bothers you. Do not be afraid of this, as an expert can help you think what is the reason behind your negative feelings, and of course they can come up with tips to make you feel better. Every person is different, so if you have already thought about asking for help, perhaps it is the right time to do so.
September 19th, 2016 10:46pm
It doesn't have to reach a certain point to seek professional help. People without mental illnesses or major life problems see therapists. Go to one if you think that you could have an anxiety disorder, maybe start with a close and trusted adult like a Pastor or a guidance counselor or even your parents, and then go from there. It's never an issue to as for help :)
If you feel that it is necessary, then it is time. However, with anxiety, we can feel that we are 'making it up' or 'making a big deal out of nothing'. If you are unsure, it's still best to open up a dialogue with someone. Better to seek help or assistance than none at all. If it turns out to be a simpler challenge to overcome - great! If it's a more complex challenge, then you're already in the right place.
When you realize that you can't cope with it by yourself. After you have tried some techniques and they didn't help much and you realize that anxiety affects your life very much, then maybe you should consider seeing a professional.
November 7th, 2016 12:14pm
Whenever you feel you need help or that the problem is too big for you to handle alone. There's no right or wrong time.
February 20th, 2017 7:47pm
When it's interfering with your ability to function, when it's severe enough that other people are expressing concern, or when it's causing you distress, you should consider seeking professional help. That's not to say someone with a lower anxiety level wouldn't benefit from professional treatment, but in terms of necessity, it mostly has to do with how frequently and how intensely it interferes with your life and happiness.
May 15th, 2017 5:23pm
When it starts to significantly impact your ability to function during your regular routine. For me, I went and talked to someone when I was having panic attacks at my job for absolutely no reason. Nothing had triggered my anxiety, but I'd still get them. Or if you're a student and you can't sit through a class without shaking uncontrollably, having racing thoughts, or without feeling nauseous/sick to your stomach; that would also be an indicator that you need professional assistance.
If the anxiety is interfering with your lifestyle or your daily routine, you should get help. Even if the interference doesn't seem so big. If you are having trouble sleeping, eating, getting to work or school or just feel like your anxiety prevents you from experiencing normal things you used to like, you should get help.
But the truth is, you don't have to wait until it's too late - you can get help now. If your situation isn't that bad, great! You'll be done with treatment and feeling better in no time.
When you see that the issue is persisting and there's no signs of improvement. When you've been trying your harder to improve the issue but you feel like you're getting nowhere and this issue is stopping you from doing basic, everyday tasks.
When you think it is. If you feel it's necessary, it absolutely is! Be honest with yourself: would you feel a little bit better if you had someone, in person, to talk to? If it is even a slight yes, then go for it! Only good can come of it! And you should certainly feel proud for taking a step in the right direction.
When it stops you from being able to do normal daily activities and you are in a constant state of worry.
January 29th, 2019 10:43pm
Anxiety is a personal struggle that everyone goes through differently. When your anxiety becomes overwhelming and is starting to dictate what you are doing, it is time to seek professional help. For me, it was when school became too much and all I could think about was tests. Everyone's breaking point is different and it is important to keep that in mind. Overall, what needs to be remembered is only you know you. "Know thy self" is a quote I have really come to love because, in the end, if you know yourself, you are already on the path to getting better.
Anxiety is a problem that we realize only when something starts making us anxious, but the root of the problem is more complex than just "___ makes me anxious" or "I have had ___ panic attacks". It is important to go to a professional because they have been trained to recognize anxiety and its multi-faceted nature. When you have anxiety, it is very hard to examine its effect on you because it by nature distorts your vision of reality. This is why talking to someone who understands the effect anxiety has on different people is necessary for your recovery. With the help of a trained professional, you will be able to take hold of your life and learn to understand your anxiety instead of your anxiety crippling your ability to live life to its fullest.
January 5th, 2021 4:38am
Going through anxiety is often healthy and beneficial. This activates the brain mechanism and gets us ready for the necessary and appropriate steps, which should be taken considering a situation. This kind of anxiety evaporates when that particular situation and/or task is over and/or taken care of. In contrast, if anxiety being experienced is excessive and difficult to control, affecting our daily activities, sleep time, causing muscle tension, and being edgy all time, one might consider seeing a professional. Also, keep in mind that all the above symptoms must persist longer than needed (typically stretching to months), and lastly, these feelings are not due to any other medical condition.
It depends on how much anxiety you deal with. It's "normal" to have anxiety towards a test or a presentation. if you experience it everyday and can't stop thing about things in the future then you should seek help. But even though it maybe mild anxiety it okay if you see a therapist for a couple of sessions to see how bad its affecting you. ITS BETTER TO GET HELP BEFORE IT GETS WORSE
Seeking professional help w0uld be necessary when one has constant anxiety, or if the anxiety interferes with their day to day activities.
When it affects your daily life, causes stress, lingers in the back of your mind, and starts to take a toll on everyday life. That is when it is NECESSARY. However, if you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety, it is always beneficial to ask a professional for help.
January 4th, 2016 5:57am
When you feel confused with your self. When your path is not clear to you at all. When you want to get rid of negativity in your life and start fresh away :)
Anxiety is common symptom. Any person can have that. Just like when someone has lost the valet in travel/got a sudden exam/to attend something without preparation etc. When anxiety shows physical and mental symptoms on daily basis or weekly basis your body is telling you to get HEALED!
The short answer is whenever you start question whether or not you should. If it has gotten to the point where you need to ask yourself this question, you should seek treatment. It may be intimidating or you may feel embarrassed doing so at first, but the people treating and helping you through this work with people struggling on a daily basis. These are people that truly do care and have your best interests in mind. I would recommend that you contact your general physician and s/he will be able to direct you to problem-specific care in your area. I hope this helps.
Any time a behavior or recurring thought impacts a person's ability to function in life, it is time to consider professional help.
I feel that you should seek professional help when you feel like it is something that you no longer can control.
June 30th, 2015 10:07pm
Anxiety is a disease, just like any other. You wouldn't attempt to treat your own cancer, so why would you try to treat anxiety by yourself? While there's a lot of work that you can do on your own, a professional really is a necessary component of combating this diagnosis.
June 18th, 2015 2:23am
Anxiety isn't only an emotion. Over time, it becomes a chronic physiological behavior, affecting not only the way you feel, but how your body feels. Bottom line, it can make you really sick! Anxiety may very easily spiral out of control as well, and is also very tricky to handle, which is why a professional is helpful and can use calming, behavioral techniques that others don't know.
When it begins to hinder your daily life. Anxiety is a normal occurrence however anxiety that leads to depressive thoughts or impairs your ability to go about your day (especially if it lasts longer than a couple hours) is concerning and you should talk to a professional who can help evaluate your triggers and help you begin to function again.
April 25th, 2015 1:41am
Whenever you feel it's necessary! There is no for-sure way of telling when, and anxiety disorders are an immensely personal situation. If you're asking this, I'd say you should probably consider it because it seems like you feel like it's something to consider.
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