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What do you do to cope with ADD and ADHD?

Profile: Dillion
Dillion on Oct 19, 2016 more
Seeing a therapist, connecting with fellow ADHDers, Learn new coping techniques, read some articles on how to live with ADD/ADHD, Deep Breathing Exercises (These are excellent in my opinion, and work great to diffuse my anger related with the condition.), a lot of therapist use behavioral training like Cognitive Behavioral Training, DBT, Group Therapy, and some psychiatrists use certain medications that affect brain chemicals known as Dopamine, Norepinephrine, and some medications that affect Seratonin Receptors in your brain. These three chemicals are widely spread and known to be a contributing factor in imbalances that cause a lot of ADHD symptoms, such as Impulsivity, Anger Outbursts, HyperActivity, Insomnia, and not being able to concentrate. Getting an official diagnosis is always the first step on getting better. I'd encourage you to see a mental health professional to discuss every option possible, because with today's technology, the sky is literally the limit.
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Profile: Rosepetaltea
Rosepetaltea on Jul 31, 2017 more
What has helped me cope with ADHD is looking at the bright side of it. I know it's challenging to do so. I've learned that I can problem solve quickly, therefore, I can be more creative. Auto focusing allows me to retrieve more information for hours. I can have incredible amounts of energy and it can be contagious to the people around me. I often look for stimulation so I'm often looking and exploring to learn more. I have varied interests which have helped me with many situations in my life. And as a result, I have learned to love it.
Profile: AndisCupcake32
AndisCupcake32 on May 1, 2018 more
I personally find others who can accept it and talk to them about it, like a counselor or friends...
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 9, 2018 more
You become knowledgeable about the symptoms. You make a plan on how to cope with them. You forgive yourself when you get off track. You set goals that are practical.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 29, 2018 more
Personally, since I don't take the medication(because I feel weird when I do), I find coffee helps. I also tend to set a lot of short term goals and make sure I have someone to hold me accountable. At the moment it's my roommate, who makes sure I'm doing everything I'm supposed to, and if she thinks I'm not, she'll talk to another med student to find out if I skipped anything. If I do skip something, I have to drop a coin in our task jar.this makes the deadline more immediate and tangible, and she can stop me when she sees I'm zoning out. Someone earlier mentioned forgiving yourself, and I think that's also very important. Accept that sometimes you're going to mess up, but you can always bounce back... I often ironically find myself getting distracted from my work by my thoughts about how disappointing I am. having someone to talk to, who will understand is also incredibly useful. Something else that has helped over the years, is to be working on a few things at the same time. So if I get distracted from maths, I'll do a bit of chemistry, then a bit of physics, then come back to maths when I get bored.
Profile: Axels121Experience
Axels121Experience on Dec 21, 2021 more
Usually I use food, or I use the gym to cope with my ADHD, as half of the time I really regret what I said to that person after, it's a disorder that has caused to be ruin many personal, and love relationships. So, yes, I mainly use food, and gym/working out to mainly cope with my ADHD disorder. Not only this, but I do usually have some side audio going on, netflix, music, ETC. Pretty self explanatory but yea, that is really all I use to cope with my current disorder in general. So, yea I guess, that's all.
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