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Self love: today and everyday

Hello lovelies , self love is something we may know of but find it hard to incorporate in our lives , this path is a subtle attempt in helping move one step closer to giving self love a significant place in our lives. Glad to have you aboard 🤗â¤

Fixed Steps

step 1

step 2

step 3

step 4

step 5

We discussed some definations and hopefully you came up with one on your own too in the previous step , now let's talk about why is self love so important.

step 6

Everyone can have different reasons regarding why they deem self love important, before trying to practice the "how" of something, we must understand the "why" of it for more effective approach and dedicated effort .

step 7

step 8

As Oscar Wilde once said, “to love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance”. So how do we start that romance? How do we learn to love ourselves?

Repeat Steps

step 1

step 2

step 3

We discussed some definations and hopefully you came up with one on your own too in the previous step , now let's talk about why is self love so important.

step 4

Everyone can have different reasons regarding why they deem self love important, before trying to practice the "how" of something, we must understand the "why" of it for more effective approach and dedicated effort .

Tags: Anxiety, self love , esteem, positivity, gratitude , vibes , hope , steps , happy life , growth , focus , mental health , emotional health , well being , support, self care, worth.
4 Comment(s)
Created by @kindLemonade

Thank you for creating this growth path, Sun !

Created by @lueurspace

I am so proud of you Sunnie! <3 Going to check out this path now! Thanks for making it for the community to use! :)

Created by @SparklyFly

This is a fantastic Growth Path. It defines many concepts of self-love and why having self-love is important. As always, @sunisshiningandsoareyou did an awesome job and service to 7 Cups with this Growth Path. My thanks to her!

Thank you for making this growth path, Sunshine! 🌞❤  This self love growth path helps me to know why it is very important to be gentle to ourselves, what to do to love ourselves, and why it is important for our well being and mental health.  Thank you for helping us to learn the concepts of self love and for your hard work as well as your significant contributions to Cups, Sunshine! 🌞❤