Feel Better With Online Therapy & Coaching

Start online counseling with a licensed therapist. Wherever you are and whenever you need support.

Start Online Therapy
NEW . Video therapy now available!
It's Professional

It's Professional

We'll match you with an experienced licensed therapist for professional, confidential & HIPAA-compliant support.

It's Affordable

It's Affordable

Choose between affordable messaging-only support or live video/audio sessions

It's Convenient

It's Convenient

Either message daily with your therapist (Monday through Friday) or connect with them through a live weekly video/audio session.

It Works

It Works

We're proud to be rated 4.7 on Trustpilot!

You can now speak with your licensed therapist in live weekly video (or audio-only) sessions! Sessions take place at a time that you choose and last 45 minutes. If that's not right for you, we also offer a daily text chat service where you'll receive a thoughtful daily response from your therapist with reflections, tools and support Monday through Friday.

Therapy is helpful.
Therapy is helpful.

Therapy isn't only for the 1 out of 5 people who have a mental health condition

It's helpful for anyone wanting to lead their best life. Therapy gives you access to someone objective who is trained to help you with the challenges you're experiencing.

People seek therapy to get help for many different reasons

  • Identifying unhealthy behavior patterns and learning tools to create healthier habits
  • Handling life transitions like finding a career path, choosing a partner, or dealing with aging
  • Recovering from grief and loss such as going through a breakup or job loss
  • Navigating difficult situations like estrangement from family members or a challenging boss
  • Lowering the frequency and severity of symptoms associated with mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, OCD and PTSD
  • Overcoming trauma or abuse

Online therapy is more convenient than traditional therapy

Especially for those new to therapy, online therapy can be an easy way to get the support you need without the inconvenience of meeting someone in person. Unlike finding a traditional therapist, we use technology to match you with the perfect therapist. Plus, if it's not the right fit you can easily change to someone else.

Leading organizations have proven online therapy be just as effective as traditional therapy

Online Therapy is more convenient.

Join millions of people who decided to get help and get happy with 7 Cups.

Start Online Therapy

“She really listens and understands. I really feel like I’m going to get better with her help. ”

August 2nd for therapist

“She’s good at helping you organize your thoughts around how you feel. Highly recommend. ”

August 1st for therapist

“A good listener and thorough in her approach.”

July 30th for therapist