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Find a Shelter or Housing Assistance in Bergenfield, NJ

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Social Services for the Homeless (SSH)  State of New Jersey Department of Human Services (DHS) - Division of Family Development (DFD)

Social Services for the Homeless (SSH)

State of New Jersey Department of Human Services (DHS) - Division of Family Development (DFD)

Bergenfield , NJ
Social Services for the Homeless (SSH) in Bergenfield, NJ, is dedicated to providing essential aid to families and individuals confronting homelessness or at risk of losing their homes. With a focus on those who are ineligible for welfare assistance due to higher income levels, SSH offers impactful support through resource navigation, emergency food assistance, emergency shelter, and financial help for housing and utilities. We strive to create a pathway for stability and security, ensuring everyone has access to the vital services they need to regain control of their lives. Our compassionate team is here to guide you through the process and connect you with the right resources to foster a brighter future. Visit us to learn more about our services and how we can support you in your time of need.
I Choose Home  I Choose Home - NJ (Money Follows the Person)

I Choose Home

I Choose Home - NJ (Money Follows the Person)

Bergenfield , NJ
Phone: (855) 466-3005
I Choose Home is dedicated to facilitating the transition of individuals from nursing homes and developmental centers back into their communities in Bergenfield, NJ. Our compassionate approach includes crafting individualized service plans that cater to each person's unique needs and goals. We offer essential services such as home health aides, adult day care, transportation, and meal delivery, all tailored according to the specific community Medicaid programs available. If you or a loved one wishes to return home and experience the quality of life that community care can provide, we invite you to reach out to explore the options and support we offer.
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General Assistance (WorkFirst NJ)  State of New Jersey Department of Human Services (DHS) - Division of Family Development (DFD)

General Assistance (WorkFirst NJ)

State of New Jersey Department of Human Services (DHS) - Division of Family Development (DFD)

Bergenfield , NJ
Address: 218 State Rt 17 N, Bergenfield, NJ 07662
Phone: (800) 792-9773
General Assistance (WorkFirst NJ) in Bergenfield, NJ, is dedicated to supporting individuals and families facing financial hardships by providing critical emergency food assistance, clothing, shelter, and essential household furnishings. Our program offers temporary rental assistance, help with back rent or mortgage payments, and utility payments for heat, water, and electricity. We also provide transportation resources for housing searches and moving expenses. While Emergency Assistance is typically available for a maximum of 12 months, we understand that circumstances can change, and extensions may be granted based on hardship. For those who have been employed for at least 20 weeks and lose their job through no fault of their own, we assist with access to state unemployment benefits and welfare programs for continued support. We are here to help navigate through these urgent needs with care and compassion.
Sharing Circle

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Additional Resources

There are small number of organizations helping with housing in Bergenfield. If you can’t find an appropriate local organization for assistance, consider checking for availability in nearby areas.


Bergenfield, NJ

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Treatment Centers

Bergenfield, NJ

Local centers provide specialist support for a range of issues. Browse local centers and get in contact with them directly.

Food Pantries & Support

Bergenfield, NJ

There are local organizations that provide free or low cost food to local residents and families. Find a food pantry, outreach or relief program near you and check opening times.

Churches & Faith Based Support

Bergenfield, NJ

Churches and local faith organizations provide free and charitable support near you. You can also chat to one of their trained listeners on 7 Cups.