Acres Of Hope
Clinical Social Work/Therapist, BSW

William Arrington
Licensed Professional Counselor, LPC

Can’t find the right therapist?
Let us match you based on your preferences and needs. Experience personalized therapy tailored just for you.

Molly Berra
Licensed Professional Counselor, MED

Take a minute for yourself
Dozens of guided mindfulness audios are available right now. Use them to check in with yourself, find a moment of calm or just relax.

Maryanne Fowler
Licensed Professional Counselor, MA

Join a community
Find people in our forums who are navigating similar challenges and life changes to you. Our most popular communities are for anxiety and depression. We also have communities for older users and anyone struggling with relationship issues.

Clearly Now Christian Counseling
Pastoral Counselor/therapist, MA

Megan Pruett
Licensed Professional Counselor, LPC

Melanie Brady
Clinical Social Work/therapist, MSW

Your support group is live now
The Sharing Circle run 24/7 every day of the year. Drop in and take 7 minutes to share what’s going on with you. If you’re not ready to share, you’ll still benefit from listening to and supporting others.

Christine Rothrock

Ben Wall
Licensed Professional Counselor, MA

Christopher Vassel
Marriage & Family Therapist, MAMFT

Chat with a trained listener like Soulfullyabutterfly
You can get connected to a trained listener in just a few minutes. Chat via our secure messaging system and offload to an empathetic ear.

Stacey Maples
Psychologist, PHD

Lynne Bealke
Clinical Social Work/therapist, MSW

Rachel Smith
Licensed Professional Counselor, MA
Additional Resources
There are many therapists in Missouri. They specialize in a wide range of topics, such as anxiety, depression, stress, relationships and family issues. If you’re having trouble finding a suitable local therapist, consider expanding your search to nearby areas.
Treatment Centers
Local centers provide specialist support for a range of issues. Browse local centers and get in contact with them directly.
Housing Assistance
There are a range of local organizations that provide housing assistance. Search for shelters, non profits and more by location.
Food Pantries & Support
There are local organizations that provide free or low cost food to local residents and families. Find a food pantry, outreach or relief program near you and check opening times.
Churches & Faith Based Support
Churches and local faith organizations provide free and charitable support near you. You can also chat to one of their trained listeners on 7 Cups.