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Judy Hennessy
Judy Hennessy is a dedicated clinical social worker and psychotherapist with over 13 years of experience, holding a Master's in Integrative Health & Healing from The Graduate Institute in Bethany, CT. She is passionate about helping individuals discover their true selves by balancing their emotional, mental, and physical health, leading to a harmonious life filled with happiness, success, and joy. Judy understands that relationships often mirror the challenges we face, whether within families, workplaces, or communities. She recognizes the limitations that can arise from preoccupying thoughts and past experiences, which may hinder self-esteem, motivation, and confidence. Judy offers her clients insight into the power of behavior change and making healthier choices. Her integrative and collaborative practice revolves around each client's unique story and journey, fostering discoveries that reshape their perspective on life experiences and behaviors. By promoting mental balance and emotional attunement, Judy empowers individuals to channel their thought energy positively and create a fulfilling life. Her expertise includes addressing a range of issues from depression and trauma to anxiety and coping skills, utilizing various therapeutic modalities such as Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Trauma-Focused Therapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).
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