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While Researching Samaritans

User Profile: SpencerT
SpencerT December 30th, 2014

Samaritans is a listening service based in the UK. Its aim and purpose is to reduce deaths by suicide, although people can phone up and discuss what's on their mind - in fact, only around 1/5 calls are from people who feel suicidal, although we receive extensive training in how to handle any and every sort of call.

Before I began volunteering with them, I was researching listening services, and came across 7 Cups. 7 Cups and Samaritans share similar values in the sense that listeners cannot give advice, chats are confidential, etc. I find it a privilege to be involved in both.

User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia December 6th, 2016

@SpencerT - And we are both lucky to have you! :)