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SunnySmiles September 25th, 2014

I found 7 Cups of Tea through the I'm Alive Online Crisis Network. I like this place better.

Electrotapped September 26th, 2014

I actuallyfound 7 Cups of Tea through Google...

I've been going through a lot of pressures as a High School Student, expected to be one of the best students in my grade and being ridiculed when I didn't perform to my highest degree. I also hated some of my parents decisions and didn't like the feeling of being sheltered and not having the independence I wanted.

I've gone through a lot of mental battles. I have contemplated running away from home a few times, but never going through with it. I asked my friends for help and comfort, but they didn't always give me the most helpful advice.I wanted to ask my parents for therapy, but I knew they would never look at me the same way if I did.

That's when I searched for "free online therapy" online, and I found this service. I can't thank whoever helped me enough for the inner light bulb and optimism to go off.

laurlistens September 26th, 2014

I'm glad to hear thatheart

sunuindia September 27th, 2014

through google i found this site........ and its exciting ....... thanks to google:-)

Harvey4you91 September 27th, 2014

I was searching, learning about OCD and other disorders, then i felt a littlesad and alone, one thing led to another and I found this site.Sincetheni am happy that i found it and learned quite a bit about everything there is to know ;).