Tumblr brought me here too, but not how you would expect it probably
Okay, I don't want it to sound wrong. I am so glad to be a listener, the time I spend here cleans my souland makes me absolutely happy, but how I came her is actually a bit weird. I searched for "skinny girls" to prove a point to my friend. I actually wanted him to show that thin girls are pretty too. Then a window popped open with support websites for eating disorders. With thin girls I did not mean girls with eating disorders. However - the popup made me curious and I clicked the first link. That'show I came here.
And I am so happy to be able to work with such a great community and to help people all around the world. Everyone deserves to feel loved and not alone. It is such a pleasure to let people feel it.
Have a great day :)
intro4life / Kilian :)
regardless of how you found us, I would like to say that we are glad to have you here with us!
have fun here! I have some helpful links to help with your journey here: (FAQ) goo.gl/dCvn6V --- (Community Guidelines) goo.gl/7GzMvL --- (New Listeners Resource List) goo.gl/W9s3mk Feel free to ask any questions you may have.