Thanks to my own sadness...
Around February, I was going through depression...I've had depression for about 2 years and I was struggling with depression, anxiety and...self-harm.
I absolutely hated myself, didn't know what was the point of living and hated everything. I actually even nearly tried to kill myself but just thought about giving one last chance. I was hopeless, helpless and felt worthless but barely hang onto it anyways. But I decided that if this one, last chance gets broken then I am going to kill my own life.
One day, I couldn't take anything anymore. My head was spinning, my stomach was dancing and most of all, my thoughts were killing me. I decided that I should talk to someone about this. I had a lot of friends, I'm actually kind of popular but I couldn't..more like, I didn't, want to tell them because I was afraid that they would think I was weak and melo-dramatic.(Which I shouldn't have).
I couldn't tell my parents 'cause I didn't want to make them feel worried so I decided to talk to someone. Just anyone.
I typed in on Google "Online Therapy" and was the first result. Without any thoughts on my mind, I clicked on it. The name of this website attracted me too.
After a few chats with a listener, Weirdly, I felt relaxed, comfortable and I felt...relieved. After a few days, I managed to acually smile a real smile and laugh a real happy laugh. I felt like I could reallly say I'm happy.
And from that day on, I decided I wanted to be a therapist. I want to help people and give them hope. Help them go through the exam same things that I've been through because I know exactly how it feels. Thank you for reading my story, I hope you liked it! :)
I talked to a listener about my depression and I became waaay better. I
@BlueberryElena, I'm so glad that you found us, lovely. I'm amazed and proud of you how much work you put into your recovery.
Wishing you al the best!