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TW Violence/shooting

Dreadfuldays July 25th, 2020

Yesterday morning I woke up to investigators outside my window. I go outside and talk to them and while being questioned they told me my boyfriend(son's dad) had been shot. They didn't believe I didn't do it until they went to talk to my mom who ensured I would of had to wake her up to watch our son, somehow get to him, and somehow get a gun. After a while I figured out he'd been shot twice, once in the face and once in the chest. The people also tried to slit his throat. He's in the hospital having to have multiple surgeries. One of his lungs has collapsed, and his teeth shattered, jaws broken and the bullet has to be removed today. I've been spending my day doing nothing but waiting to get a call from him. He was supposed to call this morning but I've heard nothing yet.

I'm so upset. My heart hurts, I'm sad, I'm angry, I feel lost, like this can't be real, I miss him, every few minutes I can't help but cry. I feel so alone

emily2803 September 12th, 2020


Hey, I understand that you're going through a really difficult time right now. It can be hard to be reassured because the situation may be looking bleak for you but I want you to have hope and faith that things will get better for you and for your boyfriend. Please take some time to care for yourself and your mental health at this time because we tend to lose ourselves to negativity and pessimistic thoughts when our loved ones are hurt. I am devastated that this has had to happen and I get how you might be feeling unimaginably upset. I hope that he has a speedy recovery and that life will resume to a sense of normalcy as it once had after he has come home. I want you to know that the 7 Cups community is here for you; maybe not physically but in spirit for sure. I will keep you in my prayers. I wish you the best. <3