Spreading Kindness
Goodevening to whoever reads this!
I am a special education teacher and I very much love what I am doing with my life. This week my students and I will be celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Week and hopefully be spreading a little bit of kindness. At least... I keep telling myself I'm happy.
The only problem is that this weekend I have felt only sadness. I have had some serious health issues these past few months that have goneundiagnosed. I am feeling so helpless on the inside that I amnot sure how much longer I can keep up this fake happiness on the outside. In addition to this, I had one of my teeth unexpectedly crack and I do not have the money or self-confidence to go to a dentist right now. I don't want to burden my family with these problems of mine, so I've been trying to ignore them.
Now, I'm not really a suicidal person, but I'm feeling sohopeless that Igoogledsuicide crisishotlines.Ifound this website and have been reading a few of the threads here that made me feel a little bit more at ease. I'm not completelybetter because as I sit here I have a throbbing headache that I feellike I've had for years, but my heart is a little bit happier knowing there are people out here that are just listening.
I am glad I found this website in my quest for kindness and I hope my week goes up hill.
Thank you forlistening to my rambles :)
I love everyone the good,bad,mad,lost,confused,painfulness, I'm here for everyone and I love you thanks for helping me get though everything
@Spooky815, you are doing such a noble thing, being a special ed teacher. You love it and you love your kids and I bet the joy you show in teaching them, is returned back to you because I bet the care equally about you. The health issues are enough to steal your joy and a tooth that is cracked hurts like crazy. I broke one in half one time, so I know how you feel. Please dont ever let these issues get the best of you, your students would miss you so much. I pray things improve quickly for you.