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Saw on a tumblr post

User Profile: BatesBeth
BatesBeth July 18th, 2015

I initially saw the website address on a tumblr post which I then saw on Instagram, one day I was feeling really down about a lot so I decided to use the website & it was so unbelievably helpful so I decided I wanted to become a listener (:

User Profile: DipityEnigma
DipityEnigma July 18th, 2015

I'm really glad that you like this website, BatesBeth and I'm even more glad that you decided to help others.

Seeking help is a really admirable thing to do and it seems like you got the help you were seeking so I'm pleased about that.

I would like you to know that if you're ever needing help or if you're ever stuck in a situation or need help with a chat, we'll be here for you. Feel free to pop on into the Listener Support Room and we'd be more than happy to answer any questions you may have, as long as you keep information about chats to a 5 word description for confidentiality reasons. wink

We also have people like myself that are in the peer support team. You'll see us with the badge or if you're in the Listener chatrooms, we'll have a blue "peer support" tag next to our names. We support you after a hard chat so if you're wanting to talk about what was difficult about a chat etc, we're here to listen if you just want to vent for example.

There's also Mentors which can be found next to the "My Impact" and they can guide you through a chat if you need the extra help. They can also be identified in the Listener chats by their Moderator tags.

I hope you'll enjoy your time here with us, however long that may be.

Feel free to pm me if you need any assistance with anything at all.

I hope you have a lovely day. smiley