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Need a kind word.

Ariesheart February 6th, 2020

Hi All.

I come to 7 cups when I feel out of control in my head. I'm suffering a lot of depression and anxiety as life has been sending me so much rubbish. I quit my job a few weeks ago for mental health reasons. It was a compulsived decision but a good one. I'm moving back to ex partner so my kids have support. It's an awful move I know it. I feel like I haven't anything supporting me. I'm a failure at everything I try. So I just need to vent my frustrations and feel supported sometimes to validate my directions and decisions. Anxiety tells yourself things that are not always true. I'm my worst critic. Will this bad luck streak stop? I want to breath again.

May 5th, 2020

@Ariesheart Well Im sure you are going through a lot that I can't even compare myself with . Listen we all have our own ocean where we have our own sea bed . And I have personally hit my sea bed and it hurt a lot . But Im glad Im still here cause I got to experience many more things in life ๐Ÿ™‚ Go through this journey even if its hard cause someday you will appreciate it ! Hope this helps you ๐Ÿ™‚

Ariesheart OP May 6th, 2020


Thank you. Today is a new day and a new look at whats happening on the page in front of me.

I like your sea bed analogue.

Our outlook can change in a flash but the weight of the water remains a constant. There is stil lots of life on the bottom of the sea.

ktlinn4 February 6th, 2020

Hi there,

I've started a reply like, 4 times, but can't seem to find the right asked for kind words and I'm not the best at giving any type of words but please find SOMEthing that makes you happy.

Even if it's just the tiniest corner smile out of a whole day of shit.

Even if it's the stupidest video on the interwebs that makes you giggle slightly.

You are not a failure.

Ariesheart OP February 6th, 2020


Thank you for the reply. Yes its true I have lots to be greatful for and there is beauty everywhere.

Its easy to get caught up in the stress. I'd like to stop worrying about myself and thinking about myself.

I dream of just exploring nature and having the space to dream. Getting away from the clutter and stuff.

SingingWithShadows February 6th, 2020

@Ariesheart This sounds like it's troubling you. I'm sorry that you're in this unfortunate situation.

In cases like these, it might sound like there's no right answer. However, when you hit rock bottom, there's nowhere to go but up. You can do this, I believe in you. :)

Ariesheart OP February 6th, 2020


Thank you Shadows. Xx.

Rock bottom. Hmmm I wonder where this is. Perhaps things need to get worse yet before the bounce back begins.

I want a hand. Somebody I can trust to not let me down. Help me smile again and help me feel more secure. I want a rock.

sourpatch3232 February 10th, 2020


it's hard not to be so hard on ourselves, but I'm hoping that every day brings something that gives you a smile, or makes you feel a little bit like you did before the anxiety came over. please take it one day at a time, and know that we're rooting for you! :)

Ariesheart OP May 5th, 2020

What a crasy few months its been. Im a lucky one with no illness.

Silly me, I started back at uni, then started back at my old old job. I left for this job 4 years ago afor better life and since that day it's been a slow slide down and not up.

My emotional test tells me bad things again and here I am once more doing fruitloops in my head.

It's assignment time and study is intense. I'm feeling like such a loser. I feel it creeping up like a monster in my chest telling me im never NEVER going to be what I want to be. I'm never going to get where I want to get and life is hard.

It seems that I'm not cut out to write assignments and it's not that I'm lasy it's that my brain can't figure it out. I'm trying and trying and the words just dont come together on the page.

I'm so frustrated. I really need a win somewhere in my life.

SambitiousOcean42 May 5th, 2020

@Ariesheart Feeling overwhelmed can be a viscous spiral. I am very familiar with it. But, you can take a moment to breathe! Like seriously, sit up or stand up, stretch & take 3 deep breaths & rub your eyes. Make sure you have water nearby and take a sip. Just doing this can be a brilliant lil reset.

You're only 1 person & can only do what you can. Realize that you can prioritize & be mindful of your time. When I say only do what you can, I don't mean to use that as another source of anxiety, it is healthy to know your limits.

That being said, My mother used to say "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." If it seems overwhelming but something you must do, do what you can, when you step (or bite) at a time.

It happens to everyone, so try not feel guilt about it, it's a normal reaction to stress. But we have all the power in how we handle/cope with it. I hope this helps.