My Need For Helping Others
Hello! My name is Eli, and I'm really new to the community. I found this website simply through searching on the web. I find myself constantly wanting to help out with friends and I always try to be a person for people to talk to. I have done conflict resolution workshops in the past and I am a naturally great listener. I felt like I wanted to help people outside of just my friend group, and started looking online to volunteer for some suicide prevention hotlines. I also applied here and and absolutely loving talking to people and helping strangers! It's all been so incredible and I can't wait to do more!
Hi there !
Hello and very warm welcome to the listener side of 7 cups family 🙂
I think your going to make an amazing contribution to the community, we are lucky to have you !
I welcome you to PM me if you need a little help finding your way around! 😀
i have enclosed a document which may prove very useful for you!
Good luck and happy listening 👍
@EliTheEmpath - Welcome, Eli! We're really glad to have you. Love your listener name too :)