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ToughCooki August 30th

Hello. I'm Blake (not rlly), I'm new. 🤗

I'm curious to know, what do you guys do to calm down? 



HI Blake, welcome to the community. I am Sun (not really either lol).💛

Would you like to share more about how you feel and if there's anything specific that you're needing to calm yourself down for?

I'll share on a more generic basis though, for me, if there's something making me feel overwhelmed or anxious or stressed or angry, one of those heightened emotions and experiences that I could use some calming down against~ if it's something within my means/ control, I tackle it (for example if there's a task I'm stressed about completing within a deadline, I'll start doing it), if there's a particular person/environment/factor causing me distress I'll remove myself from that situation if possible. 

Now for the times, things aren't within my reach/ beyond my span of immediate control, I try to find quieter environments, be alone, spend time in nature, journal, listening to music, brisk walking or engaging in some hobby (usually watch my goto movies/shows) etc, as a means to distract myself till-I can recuperate and consider what I can possibly do to actually help whatever situation I am in. 

For some, talking to supportive people can be a therapeutic experience as well. You can always feel free to reach out to listeners here, or your peers via forums and chatrooms to connect and share. 

Ooh and if and when you get the chance, please check out this awesome list- filled with many ideas and suggestions!

What usually helps you feel calmer?😊

jesusredeemedme2425 August 30th

Music! I love metal <3

Lightnessindark August 30th

@ToughCooki take deep breaths, will help you alot 

Understandingbunny234 September 7th

Hi Blake! Usually I like decompressing to music or watching shows and movies. One really cool movie I watched was Interstellar. It’s full of emotion and it makes me forget everything outside thats happening. I finished the movie letting go of everything!! It was actually really cool.

GreenEasil00 September 9th


I like my music per se.. but I don't think I'd carry it with me in the next life. I'd probably just find new music:-/

Sumehrain September 7th

I usually watch something online and talk to myself.

Onomonomia September 7th

@ToughCooki excuse myself and isolate. I feel it out and when I finally can, I talk myself down. 

PoliteYard September 7th

music, write

scorpionpolktanktree September 8th


either mediate for a moment by simply focousing on breathing for several breaths if i had time

or if im up for something i tense all my muscles for several seconds and then relax them and that does the trick


My problem also😛

LostHedge September 8th

Honestly, sleeping

But it's not efficient since you might also want to use that time for other things, that are also important

elliottclaire September 8th


i like to be alone and listen to music 

Chatbuddy September 8th

@ToughCooki As for me I do Deep breathing exercises: Slow, intentional breaths can calm your mind and body.

2. Progressive muscle relaxation: Release physical tension by tensing and relaxing different muscle groups.

3. Mindfulness meditation: Focus on the present moment, without judgment.

4. Physical activity: Engage in gentle exercises like yoga, walking, or stretching.

5. Creative expression: Write, draw, paint, or create music to channel your emotions.

6. Nature connection: Spend time outdoors, appreciate the scenery, and soak up natural light.

7. Aromatherapy: Inhale calming scents like lavender, chamomile, or peppermint.

8. Listening to calming music or sounds: Soft instrumental tracks, rain sounds, or ocean waves can be soothing.

9. Laughter: Watch a funny video, read a humorous article, or hang out with people who make you smile.

10. Self-care routines: Establish consistent sleep schedules, healthy eating habits, and relaxation rituals.

Remember, everyone is unique, so explore different techniques to find what works best for you!

Peaceandlove4541 September 8th

Listening to music that relates to how you feel 🤍

lea2099 September 8th


i watch something to get my mind off of it, or draw. It usually distracts me for a few days until I hear about it again. 

miraculousSpace4983 September 8th

Hi Blake

My favourite thing to do when I need to calm down.

Is to run. It helps me think and process the things that are making me worked up.

smilingdancer11 September 8th

@ToughCooki  I like to listen to music and journal. I try to focus on things I need to do to get my mind off of my unwanted thoughts. 

WharfRat September 9th

I take a walk, or listen to music, and do deep breathing.  I distract myself by looking at pictures of things I like.

coolj9 September 9th


I pay attention on my breathing and connect with the nature , it helps me. 

GreenEasil00 September 9th


I ponder my afterlife.

I wants to be a bran new person.

I have no attachment to my surroundings cuz it seems mental to me. But i want to be somewhere else cuz I don't like what college years I had because it perplexes me lots as to why it was so shoddy in the first place. Soz... like reincarnation/isekai with friendlier atmosphere and like focus and hierarchy level tier fri3ndships/relationships.. there and ***. 

hari2001 September 9th

Listen to some music I guess