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Hey, I'm GhostLily!

User Profile: GhostLily
GhostLily June 25th, 2019

Not sure how active this forum is, but thought I would offer my little hello!

I go by GhostLily online, I am 16 years old, living in New Zealand!

Perhaps the trait I am most commonly known by is the fact I am a polyglot! I was raised speaking multiple languages, and have since picked up 2 in my free time, so if anyone would like any language tips, I'm your girl!

I tend to write long forum posts, no matter the website, no matter the topic. I find myself rambling on at the best of times, my school essays racking up far too many words than they originally needed.

I'm a big big bookworm! I really love Shakespeare's works, Joseph Conrad's, George Orwell's, Harper Lee's, etc etc, so if anyone else has any classic books they'd like to share, please let me know! I'm always taking in new suggestions.

I used to use 7Cups back in 2014/2015, back when it was still a very new website. I was young at the time, in fact, I believe I was younger than the age requirement, (oops, sorry mods!) but it helped me out considerably; I felt at peace, for the first time, as if I wasn't alone in my struggle. I have acute emetophobia, which is the fear of vomiting. It has taken many years of childhood away from me. I am most comfortable speaking about the topics of anxiety, phobias, eating disorders, PTSD, and OCD, however, I am frequently researching various conditions and scenarios, trying my absolute best to improve myself and my knowledge on such important topics.

Thank you for having me, 7cups! I'm excited to become acquainted with you all.


User Profile: delightfulUnicorn38
delightfulUnicorn38 June 25th, 2019




User Profile: Emily619
Emily619 July 1st, 2019

Thank you for being here to support our members!

User Profile: Emily619
Emily619 July 1st, 2019

Thank you for being here to support our members!

July 13th, 2019

Hello, I'm Skye I'm 13. Nice to meet you.