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Good evening everyone! Or morning/noon/afternoon

TBW16 July 29th, 2021

Hi all! My name is Jack. Nice to meet you! So I’ve been here for several years. Jk, just joined! Super excited to be here and possibly get some help and help others! Let me tell you a bit about me. I’m 13, he/him, and live in good ‘ol colorado. I play piano, love reading, and am very passionate with entrepreneurship and philosophy. Let me know if we have anything in common (or if there’s something else too!)! I have two beautiful dogs- wheaten terriers- of which I could just squeeze forever. Speaking of dogs, they are my favorite animals! I have severe depression I’ve been battling for the past three years with nonstop therapy and whatnot (wow, just went from lightheartedness to this… nice transitioning, buddy). I also have anxiety! Yippee!! So that’s me. Super happy to be here! Talk to me anytime, I’m here for all of you! Thanks so much for giving me your time, and I hope that you have a day that is okay. (No pressure to have a super good one)

QuietMagic August 25th, 2021


Hi Jack--I know this is a bit late, but welcome! 😊 I also play piano, enjoy philosophy, and our ages match (if you switch the two numbers around lol). Appreciate what you've said about no pressure to have a super-good day since sometimes that just isn't possible and it's unreasonable to ask someone to do that, haha.

Just in case if you haven't already found them, here are some links that might be of interest:

Depression sub-community
List of experienced listeners who accept 1-on-1 chats on depression
7 Cups depression self-help guide

Anxiety sub-community
List of experienced listeners who accept 1-on-1 chats on anxiety
7 Cups anxiety self-help guide

Group support chatrooms