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Free Online Counseling

User Profile: tealSpruce4952
tealSpruce4952 June 24th, 2015

Like a lot of people here, I found 7 Cups of Tea simply by accident. I googled Free Online Counseling because I was looking for advice for a difficult situation in my life. I found that, but I also found a community of people who care enough to give of their time and themselves to help make the world a kinder place.
I've always been told that I'm "too sensitive," especially for a guy. It doesn't help that I'm a transguy, so that can occasionally lead to people even doubting my "trans status"- literally that I act "too female" to be trans. It's really nice to come to a place, even online, where sensitivity and kindness are traits that are valued and cultivated.

User Profile: Celaeno
Celaeno August 6th, 2016

@tealSpruce4952, I'm glad that you found and then decided to become a part of 7 Cup. This community is build on compassion and non-judgment, and you seem like a great fit. All the best!