Failure to Launch a Competent Adult Life
Good evening,
Male, 37. going on 38 later this year. I am Christian (though struggling with my faith right now) and employed but its barely enough to cover my bills, at times not enough. Don't have a ton of energy to work 2nd or sometimes 3rd jobs though at times I do. Recently lost a business and the loan my family invested into me. T1D is controlled with low carb diet but still a bit of insecurity around it. Struggling with Anger, Depression, negative self-talk, loneliness. Rampant imaginative thoughts, mind is always racing for no reason. I'm grounded in reality, but my brain is always projecting and thinking about worse case scenarios. I do go to Church(If you do not believe that is your choice. I am not attempting to convince anyone of anything on this platform) and Kava Bars for socialization, but no one knows the full extent of my internal struggle. Don't want to lose any more years of my life feeling this way. I need something concrete to solve my problems sooner rather than later. God uses other people to help us. Hopefully I can help others too. God Bless.
@mrmet1986 sounds like you've hit a rough patch in life, well done for trying to start your buissnes, even if it didn't work out, you tried, you followed your heart and gave it a good shot, so well done ❤ working is hard, and living costs are harder. But you'll be ok you'll get there ❤ I would probably suggest that if you find this battle with your mind gets any worse, to speak to a health professional ❤ I hope everything works out well for you ❤❤
@Tinywhisper11 Thank you for your encouraging words. I am definitely going to speak to some professional soon. I just need direction to get out of this feeling. Time is going by so fast. Things have to get resolved so I can live a full life.
@mrmet1986 that's good I'm glad your gonna get help ❤❤ don't worry your life will be in track again soon ❤ hugs you tightly ❤❤