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Depressed, lonely and need support

carukia April 30th, 2023

Hi everyone, I've just signed up to 7 cups and thought I better introduce myself. I've stuggled with depression for the last 23 years off and on but I'm going through a particularly low period at the moment.

Back in February a relationship I'd been in for 5 and a half years ended and I was homeless for a few weeks. I've found somewhere to live but I'm very lonely and socially isolated. I hope I can find support here and just as importantly give others support in return.

I'm looking forward to getting to know you all.🙂

innateJoy9602 April 30th, 2023


Hello~ Sounds like you’ve been through a lot. <3

Glad you’re here now though. Look forward to seeing you around.💜

carukia OP April 30th, 2023

Hi. Thank you for the warm welcome. Yeah, it's been tough these last few months and I'm still struggling. I just hope things get better soon

selfdisciplinedJackfruit9983 April 30th, 2023

I hope you get better

calmMango9611 April 30th, 2023

Just a reminder to all, that here at 7cups, we have Group Support Rooms. In those rooms members support members. Some members, come looking for support. Here is the link, to our chatrooms: and here is the link to our Community Calendar: