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Rebound relationship help

jshe4941 March 26th, 2016

I'm having a hard time with the relationship. I was in a relationship in October with a man I've known for several years. It was right after he filed for divorce. We dated for a few months and we broke it off because it got too intense and he said he wasn't ready to commit or be in a serious relationship and that we should just be friends until he was ready to date. I still missed him but it was worth it if it meant him healing and having a healthy relationship with him. Two weeks later you started dating a mutual friend, Stephanie, and they've been out to dinner's going out everywhere together going to events. And right now they are on a vacation together. He still in the middle of a divorce and I'm really lost and confused. I thought I was going to wait for him, we had a really deep connection we've been friends for over seven years. I'm wondering if this is just a rebound relationship with Stephanie. I've heard so much advice from my friends telling me just get over him and he scum, but they don't know him like I know him and I really want to be with him. I want to know if this is just a rebound relationship with Stephanie. Seems like it's going way too fast for to be serious

rozie March 28th, 2016

Hello @jshe4941and sorry to hear what you are going through.. its not surprising you are feeling lost and confused.Sounds like you thought your relationship would be resumed after he had space to heal and recover, Now with what is going on its not so clear and you wonder about a rebound. Its hard to say, but going through a divorce is a diificult time and emotions can be up and down and behaviour unpredictable. I feel for you and suggest that to look after your self and to get on with your life may be the best for now. Knowing that its to be expected that you will be upset over the possible loss of the hopes you had for the future. We are here for you and talking 1-1 with a listener is another option for you. With best wishes...