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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





glisteningTree50 August 10th, 2015

@lazyKatz The more the merrier!

sincereCircle3776 August 10th, 2015

I got my heart broken can I have a hug?

glisteningTree50 August 10th, 2015

@sincereCircle3776 A big hug to you (: Hope you feel better soon

Blueberree August 10th, 2015

Iv had a shitty day I just wanna cuddle and Watch movies with my boyfriend

glisteningTree50 August 10th, 2015

@Blueberree A tight hug for you! Things will get better from here ;)

Br33zyS3tz August 10th, 2015

I could use one today; feeling a lot of pressures, a bit of loneliness setting in, trying to stay positive, anxious about school starting again; HELP

lazyKatz August 11th, 2015

I understand your struggling and I'm so proud your trying so hard. Each time you need a little help remember the hugs and good wishes that are waiting here for you.Take care honey x

unbroken6275 August 11th, 2015

The sky's grey. The lack of friends due to my autism makes me feel lonely. I can use a hug.

StormDancer August 11th, 2015

I'm sorry you feel lonely, you are around some lovely friends here ^_^ Yes of course you can have a hug. Sending you super tight and un- lonely hugs <3

Br33zyS3tz August 12th, 2015


Lpmae August 12th, 2015

Morning & Evening Hug to all of You Guys heart

Br33zyS3tz August 12th, 2015


Vampiergirl19 August 12th, 2015


lazyKatz August 12th, 2015

A slient HUG means a thousand words to the unhappy heart xx

Br33zyS3tz August 13th, 2015


passionateChestnut9667 August 13th, 2015

I need a hug I have no friends no social life

Br33zyS3tz August 13th, 2015

Everyone here on 7 Cups is here for you; so glad that you are here, please feel free to contact any listeners and participate in the chat rooms; we are all here for you, remember that you are special and unique, HUGS to you always

passionateChestnut9667 August 13th, 2015

Ty lately its been like more I try to hold things together more it goes away

calmCup7923 August 15th, 2015

/gives hug. I can be your friend, if you don't mind! :)

Lpmae August 13th, 2015

This hug is for you guys laugh

lazyKatz August 13th, 2015

I'm making a rug, each stitch I add represents a HUG. That way I'll always be able to hold on to all the precious HUGS from this site x

thehoodlum August 13th, 2015

I really really really need a hug right now because school has just begun and I can't cope with the anxiety it gives me

lazyKatz August 13th, 2015

Sending you a big bear HUG and love x

Sherly August 14th, 2015

Hugs, hugs, hugs from me to you

toughBlueberry1938 August 14th, 2015

Here's a big hug from me too! You can do it, just do your best at school and enjoy. We believe in you!

lazyKatz August 14th, 2015

Never too many HUGS

warmheartedBlueberry691 August 14th, 2015

I am so lonely, I would love to hug anyone, EVERYONE HERE, so much love inside me, and no one interested on it... Worthless...

EdmondDantes August 14th, 2015

I'm interested. I need a hug

toughBlueberry1938 August 14th, 2015

Here's a warm hug for you. You're a great person. They're missing out on your love. Just keep it cool, do your own thing, and before you know it, the right people will come to you.

EdmondDantes August 14th, 2015

Girl I was dating told me she never was into and was instead in love with my best friend and they are now dating. My biological dad whom I just met this year kicked me out and doesn't want anything to do with me so now I'm pretty much homeless, I might have to get rid of my dog who has saved me from suicide multiple times. My mom is so sick that she might die. I need so many hugs right now. I'm so exhausted

glisteningTree50 August 14th, 2015

@EdmondDantes I'm sending you all the hugs you need, my thoughts are with you

toughBlueberry1938 August 14th, 2015

Here's a big hug for you! You're very strong. And you know, life gives big challenges to strong people. Hold on and have faith. Everything will be alright. I pray your mom gets better and that you have a home again, and make peace with your biological dad.

calmCup7923 August 15th, 2015

/gives hug. My mum is really sick too so I relate on that part, let's all stay strong!

lazyKatz August 14th, 2015

Theres nothing I can say to make you feel better, so can I just hug you. x

Lpmae August 14th, 2015

I think I need a hug right now. Im so tired and my feet hurts so much. I guess I walked for almost 4 hours straight this afternoon.

glisteningTree50 August 14th, 2015

@Lpmae Hugs for you! Rubs your feet so you feel better :)

toughBlueberry1938 August 14th, 2015

Here's a hug for you. And good job on what you did today. You deserve to just sit up and relax even for a while.

Tomislav August 14th, 2015

Anyone wants a hug from me? I'ts warm and cuddly! ;) *gives a hug*

glisteningTree50 August 14th, 2015

Free hugs for all <3

lazyKatz August 14th, 2015

Every good friend was once a stranger.............Lots and lot of HUGS