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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





AlwaysRebuffed April 19th, 2015


PanicGame44 April 19th, 2015

Super hugs to everyone who feels lonely and missing someone.. I feel you! Be strong!

wwwace April 19th, 2015

Here are 7 000 000 000 hugs 1 for every person in the world. I would like evry one who reads this to accept their FREE hug. And there is no limit becase every time you accept one you have one to pass on. John

wwwace April 19th, 2015

Just in case you missed my hug here are another lot 9 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 more all for free

sarahAsmund April 19th, 2015

Morning! Free start of the day big hugggg. Love to all

Aceem777 April 19th, 2015

Can I get like 1,000 of them ..yeah that would be good

AlwaysRebuffed April 19th, 2015

Look at the post above for limitless hugs, and here's one more in addition to those.


truegrit1 April 19th, 2015

I could just use a normal hug I guess one that tells me I am supported and loved.

AlwaysRebuffed April 19th, 2015


wwwace April 19th, 2015

Here is a normal hug for you my friend. It will make you feel loved and all good things you deserve

truegrit1 April 19th, 2015

I don't hug much so I don't know what they are like..I have shyed away from hugs and human contact most of my life but am now trying to find a reason to live and the reason is you guys :-)

AlwaysRebuffed April 19th, 2015

I could have said exactly what you said. My family is not huggy, and so, we just move around each other, like people on a busy street.

Imagine a family, that actually welcomes you, or pats your back once in a while.

So let's commence with this rather akward, but genuinely, meaningful hug.

*Huuuuuuug!* There I hope we feel better now. :)

Take care. Life is overly hard, but if people were kinder, more respectful, caring, non threatening, considerate, open, inviting, commpassionate, and friendly, the world would be a better place.

I just thought of an idea! Over here in the US, there's an RV (recreational vehicle) club, that has a logo sticker, to put on their rvs, so others can regognize whos in the club, without ever meeting them.

Would,nt it be neat, if this place did something similar, like it's logo, on a bracelet that people could wear to recognize a "friendly" out in the world?

Maybe it wouldn't work in theory, but it would have been nice if it could have.

Wearing bracelets with a teacup logo on it, or a logo bumper sticker on cars. Then people could recognize a total stranger as a friendly, and feel they could go up to people, and just immediately have something to talk about, or just a contact, to call if they want to talk, etc.

But maybe it would be misused by "predators". I don't know.

The RV place gives each member an individual number. And they have regional get togethers, and yearly Escapades, where speakers come, they have workshops, for peopple to learn about aspects of RVing they didn't know. I think the club encompasses 2-3 countries connected by roads, US, Canada & Mexico?

Anyway, if this place could do something like that in the physical world, where people could gather at non threatening events, and make REAL friends! Friends to talk to, share interests with, share knowledge with, go out and share activities together.all without that akward, who is this person, will they like me, etc. Everyone, will already like you, as a part of the 7 cups of tea family. So these events would be like a family reunion, and more.

Sorry, if this is more than just a hug, I was inspired, as I wrote this.

wwwace April 19th, 2015

Helli. I think your bracelet and bumper stickers are a grand idea. And I would be behind it. Even help fund it. If you think 1 person cant make a differance. Thomas Edison did. Henry Ford did. The night I used my first aid to resus a lady who to all intents was not alive, "I made a diferance" And no I definately am not looking for any pat on the back. Just making a point. So all at the top of 7 cups please have a good think on these ideas from the bottom. John

Pbob April 20th, 2015

Edison trampled over tesla,and ford was an antisemite.

Your point still stands though,and I agree that is helpful,however,it can also cause harm,for example,if people are repulsed by the sight of some people here,since not everyone will be pretty.

wwwace April 19th, 2015

Hello. If I can give you just a little ray of sunshine it would be fantastic. And as I often post here. You can not fall because I have hold of your hand and will not let you go. And thank you for opening your hart to me. Keep smiling my friend. Regards John

KeepGoingStellzie April 20th, 2015

Hey (: I have social anxiety, so a virtual hug would be very nice. My friends and family are very huggy and it can be hard when people are trying to hug you, and you don't want to seem rude, but you don't want to hug them? If that made any sence at all! :P But yeah! *Big virtual hug!* Yay!

livelifehard April 20th, 2015

*big polar bear hug*

KeepGoingStellzie April 20th, 2015

Hey (: I have social anxiety, so a virtual hug would be very nice. My friends and family are very huggy and it can be hard when people are trying to hug you, and you don't want to seem rude, but you don't want to hug them? If that made any sence at all! :P But yeah! *Big virtual hug!* Yay!

sweetstillsurvivor April 22nd, 2015

Hugs! You can change that:) I'm the only one whose love language is hugs in my family. Thank God for the younglings! I have a friend who hates hugs and now hugs everytime we meet. So all the best with hugging:)

truegrit1 April 19th, 2015

I don't hug much so I don't know what they are like..I have shyed away from hugs and human contact most of my life but am now trying to find a reason to live and the reason is you guys :-)

sweetstillsurvivor April 22nd, 2015

Hugs from me to you!

Ineedhelp2015 April 19th, 2015

At this moment in time I could really do with a hug. Things haven been getting to me lately and it feels like a hug would do me some good

EmiilyM April 19th, 2015

I am sending you the biggest hug even possible *huuuuugs* ? hold on there dear

Ineedhelp2015 April 19th, 2015

Thankyou for your hug and kind words

EmiilyM April 19th, 2015

anytime smiley

MayaRainbow2 April 19th, 2015

@Ineedhelp2015**big massive hugs** keep going love we are here for you!heart

Ineedhelp2015 April 19th, 2015

Thank you all so much

AlwaysRebuffed April 19th, 2015


wwwace April 19th, 2015

You can have all the hugs you need my friend. 9 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 If you need more post back and you can have more. If you are not smiling by now here are some smiles 😊😀😁😂😃😄😆😉

Drethis April 19th, 2015

What would be the equivalent of hugs for someone who doesnt like to be touched?

QuickJazz April 19th, 2015

I suppose it varies from person to person, but things like a warm smile and comforting words are like hugs for me, @Drethis.

I'll be sending good vibes your way~

Drethis April 20th, 2015

Thank you

wwwace April 19th, 2015

A great big smile till you are able to open your hart and have a hug.☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

sweetstillsurvivor April 22nd, 2015

Air hugs and and a flying kiss for a start and a big warm smile.

Er1c598 April 19th, 2015

I am feeling really lonely. sad. and invisable to everyone around me. a hug usualy makes it better but i have no one to give one to or to give me one.

wwwace April 19th, 2015

You now have the BIGGEST hug in the world because it is going all round the world to every one in it including you.

Er1c598 April 19th, 2015

Thanks. :3 I really appreciate it. *Hugs everyone back*

norahdavex April 19th, 2015

I miss having hugs from people! I feel people around here shy away from human touch and it makes me feel sad and alienated!!

lauren38 April 20th, 2015

i havent felt happiness in a very very long time. the only thing that might be able to help if someone started to care about. im longing for warm hugs from someone who actually cares about me. i want to feel safe and secure again.

virv April 19th, 2015

I almost dream about hugs. My mom hugged me when I was a child and felt upset or I'm crying or something like that. But now Igrew up and I don't want to bother her with my problems but I need hugs sometimes. Maybe it soundsnaive and silly but I want to hug someone, tohide in her / him and sit like that long and quiet.