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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015






I LOVE those kinds of hugs. You just feel so safe, so protected.

aprilstorm March 15th, 2015

my dog died recently and it's been difficult.. I cannot hug him and I feel really sad. BUT today I hugged a stranger's dog who was being so friendly.. It seriously made my day!!heart

aprilstorm March 15th, 2015

my dog died recently and it's been difficult.. I cannot hug him and I feel really sad. BUT today I hugged a stranger's dog who was being so friendly.. It seriously made my day!!heart


Awwwwwwwehh well, he's in a better place now at least. *hugs* awwwwwwehh :3

calkelly March 15th, 2015

heart(((((((((HUGS FOR ALL))))))))heart


*hugs back because I love your fancy fancy fonts there*

sensitiveJackfruit6713 March 15th, 2015

CompassionatePuppy4 March 15th, 2015

Dont even care what kind of hug it is - human contact - without being pushed away - would be lovely.

aprilstorm March 16th, 2015



I would never push you away if you tried to hug me. Ever. *cuddle*

easyTortoise20 March 16th, 2015

I love both giving and getting hugs.

quitenight March 16th, 2015

Well I'm giving hugs to every one



canyoufixthebroken March 16th, 2015

i want to come up behind someone and wrap my arms around them and bury my head intheir back. i did that with my friend once when i was sad and she just let me cry on her back because i didnt want her to see me cry. it made me feel a lot better.

quitenight March 16th, 2015

I wish I had a friend like that


I love that, please. I love being hugged from behind (not sexual, promise) Also, about your username. *Can you fix the broken, can you feel, can you feel my heart......... *

Golddustmorgan March 16th, 2015

I could use a friendly embrace or at least some reassurance letting me know my loved ones & I are safe (OCD wants me to think otherwise, therefore I'm lying in my bed alone kinda fighting off the next panic attack woooo). Being alone is the bane of my existence, so a long, comforting hug would be ideal rn. Sigh.


I'd hug you if I could. *Internet hug* they'll be fine :3

RissieMonster March 16th, 2015

The best hugs are the ones where the person hugging you is taller and bigger. They can just pull you into their chest and wrap their arms around you, while you curl into them. Also *HUGS* to everyone.

horizonLynx90 March 16th, 2015

That is so spot on! They just envelop you and it's the most calming experience.

DynamicConnect March 16th, 2015

The kind of hug I need right now is one that begins as a soft gentle acceptance and once committed becomes a firm and solid support where even if i were to try to break it, I would meet resistance and melt a little more and feel that person breathe through their lungs, their heart beat and their embrace would connect me with them so that i felt more alive to be touched by another and cared enough to not be let go.

quitenight March 16th, 2015

'Runs in' gives hugs 'runs out'

sunnyCucumber52 March 16th, 2015

I am big on hugging. Just my personality. It helps me deal with so much. You those hugs where you're completely enveloped by the person. And it's a nice firm hug, not too lax not too constricting. And you feel warm and safe and loved. Almost like all your troubles could just melt away in that moment.
I'm studying away from home and it's hard for me to trust and open up to people (anxiety etc) so I haven't had a hug like that in months. And it sucks especially on days like today when all I want to do is forget everything and just go home.

learningtolovemyself March 16th, 2015

I just wnt an attack hug or cuddle hug. That is all :)

learningtolovemyself March 16th, 2015

I just wnt an attack hug or cuddle hug. That is all :)

musiclover1127 March 16th, 2015

I could use a hug

LostGirl0612 March 16th, 2015

I would love one if those fatherly hugs

purplePear1228 March 16th, 2015

A fatherly hug sending to you now. :)

emotionalgirl2000 March 16th, 2015

i want a big hug please 🙆

purplePear1228 March 16th, 2015

Here it goes! :)

Lovetolove95 March 16th, 2015

I really need a hug today :(

purplePear1228 March 16th, 2015

This is a bear's hug...get ready. :)

hopelessemodave March 16th, 2015

well. fictional but nice.
hugs of the world.
thousands of light years from here there was a place to fall asleep without fear if you were alone in the bedroom. there was a living creature looked almost completely human. cold hands, pale skin, two big and warm power sources inside their ribcage and the whole universe in their big dark eyes. I wrapped my arms around theirs neck and breathed out warm air in their ear, smiling. they smiled back, I knew, and caught me in their arms, and was holding me like I was a little star from fairytale for half a minute. I felt safe. I felt I was needed and loved unconditionally. "goodnight," said they. "good luck," replied me.
now the creature is gone. and I give this "I'm here for you, I won't leave you" hugs to you. because the Universe will never abandon you. it loves everyone.

Beechwood March 16th, 2015

I'm probably weird... Is there anyone who really want's the comfort and love a hug can bring but hates hugs? Ah well, people anyway don't want to give me hugs so I live with it.

Harmonious91 March 17th, 2015

You're not weird, I'm the same way. Sometimes I would love a hug but I can't stand to be touch, let alone talk to other people. Maybe it's where I live, but I tend to not like people. <------that's probably weird.

generousGlobe6297 March 16th, 2015

I want the kind of hug where someone just grabs me and my arms are around their neck with my face in their shoulder and them just holding me tight making me feel safe.

divinewillpower86 March 16th, 2015

Well expressing your thoughts to your loved ones, to whom you care about or anyone you wanna get connected with, I'm sure soon you will find a Big and warm hug.

niceMoon4358 March 16th, 2015

i second that and dont want them to let go until its ok

Ikibean March 17th, 2015

snuffles I call them and they are wonderful {hugz}

lovingSea8632 March 17th, 2015

Even I want the same. feeling lonely