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Feeling overwhelmed

hardworkingTortoise4579 April 13th, 2023

I'm feeling a little overwhelmed right now because so much has been going on lately. I went months dealing with a co-worker who made things difficult for me before she finally quit, and then one of my other co-workers who I am friends with went to a different building across town (which I am totally happy for her because it was a change she needed,) my sister along with her daughter, her baby daddy, and our parents are getting kicked out of their place this week and will be moving in where I am staying... and the cherry on top is the girl who works the weekends at work so I can have them off is likely leaving (again happy for her). It's just a lot. Oh and on top of all this I need to finally start the process of divorcing my husband.

MidwesternCalmSeeker April 16th, 2023

@hardworkingTortoise4579 Wow! That does sound like a lot of change in a short time. Take care of you, and I hope you can talk or chat with someone to get some support and understanding for all you are going through right now!