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ToastedCandy December 13th, 2018
. I don't really do posts often so I apologize in advanced if this is not in the right catagory. I can move this if needed. I have been having a pretty bad week lately and have been trying to connect to someone to talk about why. I sent one listener a personal request as I get better experiences with those. They accepted my request and said they only added me to report account violations? I tried to ask what they meant but they disappeared from my chat section? So I think they blocked me? I worry I did something wrong with my account. And I worry I will be kicked off without knowing why. I am highly confused and it isn't helping me one bit that I have to worry that I violated something. I am following all the guidelines I know of.

jennysunrise8 December 13th, 2018

@aLittleChild just one listener said this to you that they added you just to report account violations or more than one lister said that?

jennysunrise8 December 13th, 2018

@aLittleChild ive never heard of a listener doing that and no listener shouldnt be saying that to you i think its more likely this person is just going around tormenting people and trying to scare people and then just closing the chat if the listener reported you and made something up about you they wouldve remained in the chat list but you wouldve gotten an error message can no longer chat with that person it sounds like they just sent messages to scare you and closed out the chat if you come across any listener who says strange or threatening things like that again please block and report them ok