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General Anxiety Disorder

placidPlum3193 February 5th, 2021

Anyone can tell me how they are dealing with this prognosis and tools to help please

bookworm274 February 11th, 2021


Hello and welcome to 7Cups! I will link some guides and information that 7Cups has to offer down below (everything in blue is clickable and will take you to the link)

You can find a self-help guide on anxiety by clicking here!

7Cups also offers mindfulness exercises that some people find useful when experiencing anxiety which you can find here!

Here is the anxiety support community which can be super useful to look at when asking questions, sharing your story, finding support posts and more!

I hope you find these links useful, good luck on you 7Cups journey heart

placidPlum3193 OP February 12th, 2021

Thank you, back tomorrow