Editing my listeners list?
I accidentaly had my settings to let listeners start conversations, and now I've been contacted by multiple members of the welcome commity.
I talked to one of them about something and it wasn't a great conversation, I don't want to talk to them again, but I don't want to block them because then they might get in trouble with 7 cups for what was essentaily miss-communication.
Is there a way to remove listeners from the My Listerners section in My Progress? I have nothing against the welocome commity, but I don't want to talk to them either, and seeing them on my list is bothering me...
@AM2Wondering As long as you don't put down a reason that would get them into trouble, you can block them.
Select the 'other' option when blocking and just write something like "not a good match for me"
You can also unblock if you want to be contacted in the future by them, but it removes them from the list.