Youtubers and videos that helps you with anxiety!
So i had a nice talk here in 7 cups about :
"How to get distracted, relaxed and maybe even sleepy when dealing with anxiety?"
And we just ending sharing a nice tip which is watching videos or youtubers that let you get focus! They just for some weird reason give us a nice time to get relaxed and stop worring for a moment.
Lets share some of them!
What would you watch to get distracted? :)
took this nice idea from conversation with
@alittlebook @shygigabyte ♡
I told @katia22previously, I watch a YouTuber called This Old Tony. He's a machinist, does work with metal, and he's funny and has a soothing voice, I think. Maybe the sounds of metal being cut is also relaxing to me.
I struggle with night time anxiety. It's hard for me to simply let go and go to sleep. This guided meditation truly helps me ground to be able to go to sleep.
Sometimes I need to listen to the meditation to calm the mind. This truly works for me. I highly recommend.