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What do you want to be remembered for?

MamaUpendo April 14th, 2021

When you die (in the far, far, far future), what do you want to be remembered for?

likewatersw April 14th, 2021

Just don’t think of me.

Goodturtle77 April 14th, 2021

Live like...Be a person who people cherish to talk to. And Die and people give me prayers

LilSkeptic April 14th, 2021

I want to be remembered for being an amazing Dad. The guy who took his kids camping, went to all their after school events, listened to them actively and made them feel seen and loved. I never had any of that growing up, and I can't help but think I would have avoided a lot of pain if I had.

KindHeartedHeather April 16th, 2021

Kindness & my photography.

AshaiBellL April 23rd, 2021

When I die in the far, far, far future I want to be remembered for my helpfulness.