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User Profile: BIKOMA2021
BIKOMA2021 May 15th, 2023

Hello my name is Rita. I am new to 7cups and would like to hear from others how to get started with listening and responding to members. thank you.

User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 15th, 2023


Hey hey Rita, always lovely to welcome new listeners to the community. Thankyouu for being here to support people! 💛

This is a Listener Primer for you, it is full of helpful links, resources and useful information, to help you start your journey as a listener!

So glad you reached out for support and tips. Please feel free to connect with a Listener coach or a Mentor these are trained listeners who happily help and assist other listeners out regarding the site in general, or chat related situations and questions.

Also, the Listener Support Room is always open and supportive folks are readily available to meet and support each other, feel welcome to join us anytime, while exploring the community at your pace.

Best wishes always. ❤

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User Profile: Yourfriendmerida
Yourfriendmerida May 15th, 2023

@RitaBan I'd say start with the training and getting verified first so you know what to do when listening to a member! all the best