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What is a goal that you have for yourself in your life ?

AngelButterfly10 September 4th, 2022

Mine is to graduate university become a lawyer and adopt a daughter and a son.

I wanna be able to be a good lawyer and a good parent and find my inner peace and happiness

MidwesternCalmSeeker September 4th, 2022


Those sound like really great goals! I wish you all the best as you work to achieve them.

My goals come nearer to the opposite side of life than you are facing right now. I have a really great job and an awesome family, so my goals are to retire but find a part-time job that is totally non-stressful so that I'm not sitting around the house all day doing nothing, and spending more time with my grandchildren!

AngelButterfly10 OP September 4th, 2022

That is absolutely Awesome! Best wishes

HopePeaceLove3377 September 4th, 2022

Not clear yet

AngelButterfly10 OP September 4th, 2022

hi hopepeacelove3377

you don’t have to decide what to do with your life right away go at your own pace are used to rush through life but then I realized that if you try to rush through things you miss out on good things in life so distant enjoy life take it easy best wishes

AmyMir6 September 4th, 2022

@greenCucumber7204 I love your goals so much! I wish that they come true!!

My goal is to become a therapist!

Wish you the best!

AngelButterfly10 OP September 4th, 2022

That’s awesome! I hope you achieve your dreams

AmyMir6 September 4th, 2022

@greenCucumber7204 thank you, likewise :)

Jewelmoon17 September 4th, 2022


My goal is to be successful, get promoted in my job that I love so much.

So I can give a better life to my family and travel around. See the world before I grew old and could not travel anymore. :)

AngelButterfly10 OP September 9th, 2022

@Jewelmoon17 That's awesome! I want to travel too. any particular place you aspire to visit?

intellectualHemlock3688 September 4th, 2022

My main goal is to stay alive until I have 2 beautiful children

My other goal is to become a psychiatrist and to understand, because of everything I will learn, why I am feeling like this

AngelButterfly10 OP September 9th, 2022

@intellectualHemlock3688 so happy for you I hope you achieve your goals and dreams

Jewelmoon17 September 9th, 2022


I want to get promoted at my job. Buy a house and live happily with my family without worrying so much about finances. :)

amicableSkies4381 September 9th, 2022


Those r some awesome life goals.

I wish to be a very successful bussinesswoman and be able to be independent and free all by myself I want to be able to provide my parents,siblings and myself anything I wish. I wanna make my parents very proud of me...