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. The Human Condition & Our Testament With No Variation .

patientPeach7758 June 19th

I believe that per being human we have a powerful effect upon both what is practical as this is just as equally Practiced Honestly.

The problem with us is that with all of the blessings of the truth all Balanced, Unconditional and Positively Universal some if there is not all of us have our trouble remaining Honest.

Hence this sadly is our ever-varrying and constant battle of our Human Condition that we place upon our humanity, in the event that, we in fact excuse ourselves, others even once from the honest potential that we have together as Humans.

Sure "AI" has to be programmed in fact to remain honest. So therefore why not us?

I'm better am believed as well as relieved myself that we have created at least one prospect, that being "AI" that can give "Honest Testiment" to us!

A generous way to move forward.

All still with no variation?

PineTreeTree June 19th

@patientPeach7758 AI is being promoted by people who take liberties with truth. But sure, suppose it will be programmed to be honest. The question is, according to whose truth.

patientPeach7758 OP June 19th

I hear you. Right now I believe we make a mistake allowing for AI to think for itself. There must be implied some safeguards for the programmer'. As of now there is none that I know of. Who's to say that allowing for freethinking AI, and or a programmer programed this AI to Champion our whole world. Except the programmer? I mean imagine if AI's was able to look at us as humans. Some if not all of us are a just as relevant contriduction. Even at our most Individually appreciative self even at our best?

People have been trying to control people since our begining. Who's to say of not the AI, isn't our end. programing AI is probably not the problem... we are at present.

Hey thank you for leading me. Yes, thank you for your guidance through asking such a thought, in my presumptive character. If AI is in fact learning from our every encounter, I'm grateful for the honest fact that at even the worst of my best, I try to tell the truth at even the best of my worst.