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Imawarrior22 December 11th, 2023

Hello everyone I’m new here. As of recent I have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder which I think is wrong but I’m not sure. I have been given two diagnosis so far going to two different therapists. Currently looking into seeing a medical doctor to get a second/third opinion. Things started getting weird for me around October and I’ve been having trouble with my sleep since 😬. Hoping to beat this soon will keep you guys updated.

Tinywhisper11 December 11th, 2023

@Imawarrior22 hi I'm lola welcome to cups ❤ oh diagnosed with two different things? That must be confusing for you. Hooefully it will all get sorted quickly and perhaps they can prescribe some meds, to help you through this difficult time. And maybe some sleeping meds would be nice too. I take prescribed sleeping tablets everynight they work so well ❤ gives you a giant festive

Tinywhisper11 December 11th, 2023

@Tinywhisper11 a giant festive tiny hug*

Imawarrior22 OP December 11th, 2023

Hey Lola thanks for the welcome yea it’s kinda of confusing the first diagnosis was adjustment disorder the second was major depressive disorder. And I’m scared to take meds because of all the side effects and possibilities of getting addicted to them. So I have been trying to look for natural things to help. Do your sleeping tablets help you fall asleep or stay asleep? My issue is staying asleep and sleeping longer than 8-9am

Tinywhisper11 December 11th, 2023

@Imawarrior22 my sleeping meds do both of those. So maybe like herbal teas and things like that, did you mean when you said you looking for more natural answers? Ok I'm half asleep right now ❤so I better get off here ❤ sending lots of hugs, love an strengh your way ❤❤❤