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Just saying HI.

YueLeblanc01 August 29th


Uhm- I'm quite bad at introductions, sorry for taking your time with my rambling. I go by Yue and I'm fairly new here (3 days but trying to be consistent). I have not spoken much here yet, but it is always nice to see the kindness with which you treat one another. Thank you for that, and for being here, too. 



Hey hey Yue, I can relate about introductions, as I often feel quite blank when I'm supposed to do it like yes hold up, I'm processing, lemme introduce both of us to myself smh (': so really hehe, you did great with this introduction, and I'm glad you've joined the community, as well as taking time to explore around.💛

I don't consider this to be rambling, but if you do, then hey, rambles are welcome, very very welcome. Big yay for 7 cups as 7 cups is a ramble-accepting-space; one so many of us ramblers don't have in our off-cups life, yeah(?).

I see you exploring the forumland and reaching out with trying to understand things better around here, asking questions is definitely the way to do it, so yay you for trying your best to navigate around, and of course, we're all here to guide you and encourage you, every step of your way. At your pace, of course.💛

jesusredeemedme2425 August 30th

We all ramble hehe! It’s welcome and accepted here <3

Tell us about you? <3