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Issues with Listener Chat

Hello I was looking for a place to post, this issue is with my Listener chat, I am getting my messages way later than they should be appearing causing communication issues on the web interface, please advise!

User Profile: calmMango9611
calmMango9611 May 29th

@ShadowedXHunted @Heather225 Please read this post. Could you also try to provide some tech support for this user. Thanks.

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User Profile: Heather225
Heather225 May 29th


thanks for the tag

@ShadowedXHunted this may be an issue to submit a bug ticket for. you can do so here:

select "Product Support: Bugs" and fill in as much detail as possible. 

1 reply
User Profile: calmMango9611
calmMango9611 May 30th

@Heather225 your very welcomed H.

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I've been facing the same issue since I joined as a listener, wasn't sure if it's a technical glitch or because of issues from the respondent's side..this definitely causing lot of communication issues. Hope it gets sorted soon 🤞