Hello friends
I was inspired by the introduction deditus1 posted today so I will introduce myself as well. I am a 56 year old woman from California. I write content for an adventure travel company. I used to do it full time but had to take a leave due to my mental health and was laid off because of it when I returned. I took a job as an administrative assistant at another travel company and that job was recently changed to a hybrid role where I write part time and do admin part time. A step in the right direction. I downloaded this app because the holidays are always hard for me. I have anxiety which leads to depression and I don’t react well to most medications. I have a monstrous inner critic. I’m happy to be here. It makes me feel not so alone
and not so broken.
Hi green pine. What's it like In Cali at the moment I'm in the UK.
I've saved your post to read when I wake up
Thanks for sharing your story and I’m glad you’re here. Sounds like you’ve made some positive steps forward, and I’m sure this space can be a good support for you :)