Hello everyone!
Hello everyone! I have not gotten the chance to properly introduce myself to the Community. I am Mr.Enigma/Enigma and I am a Listener. So far I have supported many people both on 7Cups and in real life with their issues. Generally my favourite topics are masculinity, relationship problems, stress, motivation and anxiety/depression.
What are yours?
Hi Enigma welcome to the community we're glad to have you here!
For me I like conversations that deal with sleep health and relationships!
Most of the above mentioned
Enigma - true Sigma
@ItsMrEnigma Nice to meet you. You referring Alan Turing and the enigma machine? I love the movie but it was so complicated. Let me know if you need help. I would love to help.
Hey, nice post. For me, people mostly talk to me about relationship issues, LGBTQ+ issues and traumas