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Heckin bad night and I'm agitated

honestWillow1474 November 9th, 2022

I flew in to my airport two hours ago, and it's after midnight so my wife won't be here to pick me up until morning. It's an hour drive from here to my house, so taxis are out of the question. I have booked a hotel online (using their own online booking platform).

When I got to the hotel, they had no record of my booking. I called back the online booking, and verified the details. Hotel still has squat. Online won't cancel since it's a late booking, and they don't believe the problem exists because they can see the booking on their computer.

I ended up paying for a new room just to get this awful night over with. Now I'm struggling to sleep because I'm all worked up.

How do others deal when an unexpected frustration sends your emotions out of control?

anxietywarrior23 November 10th, 2022


sorry to hear you had a rough night with your emotions. honestly the best thing to do is move past it

2aphod8eeblebrox November 10th, 2022

Man, ain't that just the way sometimes with travel. Always something going wrong. I try to focus on what DIDN'T go wrong, for instance they didn't lose my luggage (or if they did lose my luggage, at least it turned up undamaged)

It is aggravating and unfair, but it's also out of your control. Try to find the humor in it. It will make for a funny story later on.