Feeling sad
Hi I'm Lesley, I'm going through a break up and have lost my way a bit. It was such a toxic relationship that I have no friends or family left. I turn 50 on my next birthday and I'm trying to stay positive that it's a new chapter etc but I'm so lonely 🥺
Hi Lesley thank you for sharing your experience with us. It definitely sounds like a hard place to be in. I hope you're able to find a new normal slowly, find the new friends maybe reconnect with old ones as time goes on. Getting over a break-up can definitely a process, hope it goes well.
@conscientiousHouse2613 Hi. I am 51 so we are close in age. Breakups are so hard! My last one sent me into a manic state that lasted months. I hope you can rebuild friendships. Having a few friends and family definitely helps. Most of my friends are online but they are still a huge comfort and support to me. I hope you can find some kind listeners and friendly support on here! I am new here but love it so far. Hang in there.
Hi Lesley, I'm sorry to hear what you're going through. I'm in a very similar position myself, so can definitely relate. It's unfortunate that when we put all our time and energy into one person, we seem to lose touch with friends and family. I don't know if this is true for you but I don't actually miss the person I was in a relationship with. Like yours it was toxic and made me very unhappy. Even so, we tend to like what is familiar even it's not good for us. Loneliness is, of course, very painful but I'm trying to tell myself that day by day I can put the pieces together and build the next part of my life. And you can too!
@conscientiousHouse2613 Hey Lesley, don't feel lonely, you've got alllllllll of us. Your entire cups family hehe. Keep giving it your all, you've got this.
@conscientiousHouse2613 Hi, Lesley. I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling. That's totally reasonable considering what you're going through. Wishing you peace and strength as you recover.