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Relationship challenge

Carolinedav009 November 5th, 2021

What's going on with your relationship right now

exquisitePeace7976 November 6th, 2021


All is well in my Soul..Thanks for asking. hope all is well with you

overmyhead71 December 5th, 2021


I have been with my girlfriend for just over three years. When we first got together as a couple, I began noticing her struggle with finances. Being new, I didn't want to impose or seem rude asking her about all of her late or shut off notices. I originally met her twenty years ago and at that time I was married and we became good friends. Back then, I remembered she was always happy and the life of the party type of person. A year or so into our friendship, she asked me if I would ever cheat on my wife. I told her no I would never do that, thinking it was just a general question. After seeing her expression, I realized it was more personal. Feeling somewhat awkward over the question, I started staying away and avoided her at work thinking I somehow gave her the wrong impression. I later found out through our mutual guy friends, she told them about how she basically threw herself out there to me and I shot her down. Being somewhat jealous and the great guys they were, they convinced her I was a homosexual and was the reason I wouldn't cheat on my wife with her.

Unknowingly, 20+ years later I would be divorced and our paths again crossed. Being a creature of habit, I became depressed over the divorce and really wasn't motivated on wanting to start over in learning or even trusting in someone again. My divorce was finalized only three months when I received a call from her. She was having a problem with a guy calling her and saying he had a warrant for her arrest for not paying taxes. I explained it was a common phone scam and she didn't have to worry about it. That was when she thanked me and asked how my kids and wife were doing. I told her the kids were now grown and doing great! She again asked about the wife and I told her we had just finalized our divorce. She became more energetic in apologizing about the divorce and then asked when was I going to ask her out on a date. I laughed, believing she was joking and responded, "you never know!" Being in a meeting at the time, I told her I had to go and she reminded me I had her number and to feel free to text her so we could catch up.

Not sure if this is the appropriate place to tell my story.... I will wait for a moderator or feedback before I continue. In a nutshell, I found out a lot can happen to a person in twenty years when you lose touch. What I believed was God sent, turned out to putting me in a state of confusion. A place were my heart and mind refused to agree on anything involving her. She has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar with manic highs and lows, PTSD, Severe depression, and anxiety. If this is the wrong thread, please direct me to the appropriate one.

Thank you for your time...