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loss of a sibling

woffordt May 2nd, 2023

honestly. I don’t really have much to say except what helps you with grief. I feel okay sometimes and then other times I feel like I’m losing it. not really sure what has helped you all, but any ideas would help.

I lost my 15 year old brother to suicide 2 months ago.

beck1 May 2nd, 2023


First of all I just want to apologize to hear about the loss of your brother. I am so sorry. I can imagine this must be a very difficult time for you seen as it just happened recently.

Something that can help with grief that I have seen others so is write letters to your loved one (your brother). This can allow you to feel like you can still talk to them while having the ability to write how you're feeling about them not being there.

I really hope that you feel you can reach out to someone either in your life or a listener on Cups if you feel like you need to chat.

woffordt OP May 2nd, 2023

I wrote him a letter and put it in his casket… that did help

i might get a journal… I also Will message him on snap too

woffordt OP May 2nd, 2023

Just is a way for me to kind of talk to him

juliak1968 May 2nd, 2023


Remember the good and the talent your brother has and celebrate his life rather than morning his death. He would want to see you happy and that's what you will want to try to do. Every day strive for the best! It would make him so proud of you. I send strength and my friendship!! You are not alone, I lost my 16 yr old daughter and it still can be very hard to except.

Blessings, Day

encouragedsoul May 2nd, 2023

I am so deeply sorry for your loss

may you find peace and comfort in your heart and May this difficult period be less hard on you

cherish the memories you had, and always honor the the type of brother he was

i lost my oldest brother 13 years ago, and the void never leaves.

but we content and find peace knowing that they touched our hearts and showered us with love