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My kids

User Profile: lovingSummer7993
lovingSummer7993 December 21st, 2021

August 26 2019 my two daughters were taken away by cps I found out week before I was pregnant. April 3 2020 I gave birth to my son and kept him for 8months but Dec 1 2020 he was taken due to my meth addiction I started the day I lost my girls. Their adoption is finalized so they aren't able to come back. The guilt and grief is eating me alive. I don't know how to move on with life and I know I need to for them when they are older and come looking for me. The pain has consumed me and my whole life. I want them back I wish I could fix this I find no reason to carry on

User Profile: halcyonCloud2036
halcyonCloud2036 December 22nd, 2021


I can hear your pain in your words and I am sending you a big hug right now. You are doing your best to get your life on track and I know it is really hard right now, but it sounds like you are determined and can do it!

What is so obvious in your post here is that you really want to do what is best for your kids. So just know that all of this struggle will one day result in seeing them again.

You are worthy. You are strong. You matter too ❤️

User Profile: overloverlay
overloverlay August 1st, 2023

I know exactly how you’re feeling. I recently lost my baby boy and i was forced to sign over my rights or they’d basically do it anyways and charge me also…And it’s a pain i don’t wish on my worst enemy…grieving someone still alive is an unimaginable feeling. I don’t think I’ll ever be genuinely happy again. My ex and I broke up recently as well after losing our son and now I feel like I’ve lost everything I have ever loved. I’ve became very insecure and depressed, I lack motivation to roll out of bed every morning. I’ve failed at being a mother, I failed at being a girlfriend, and now I’m failing at being a successful adult. I don’t talk about it to anyone because 90% of people would be appalled by my actions. I wish I had stopped and actually thought about the consequences but I didn’t realize until it was too late. What I’d give to just go back and right my wrongs, but unfortunately you can’t. My heart goes out to you…because the pain you’re feeling is barely manageable and hard to talk about without bringing up old memories that make you sad. I’ll always live with this guilt. But time does heal and it may take years and years but eventually things will get easier, and hopefully when my son gets old enough he will wonder who I am, and if so I’ll be happily waiting to give him all the love he deserves, and hopefully he will forgive me for being a selfish, immature person. And if not, I’ll be here on the sidelines praying about him everyday…💔