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i've never been able to speak this before

hope2692 April 9th, 2015

I'm 22 and female. I was assaulted at the age of 13 by a friend of my boyfriend at the time. We were in the park like we usually were, my boyfriend said we were going for a walk with a friend of his.

We got into a wooded area and he gave me something to take (i was experimenting with drugs at the time so i just took it). I was feeling weak and dizzy and wasn't enjoying the high, but my boyfriend was harsh and aggressive and wouldn't take me home.

It was then that his friend started touching me, he started kissing my neck and i looked over to my boyfriend and he just stood there as if he were watching tv. I don't want to go into a lot of detail because i don't want to trigger anyone else.

After that i stayed in a relationship with my boyfriend, i would have sex with him whenever he wanted because i was scared of what he would do if i said no. He broke up with me about 6 months later, he said he wanted to move on.

I didn't talk with anyone about it until recently, and even then the detail has been so minimal i'm not sure they really understood what i was saying.

I struggle with my mental health. I am on and off medication for depression and anxiety, i have flashbacks and panic attacks. I have someone i can talk to about my mental health, but not about this, it just feels awkward.

purplePear1228 April 9th, 2015

I am sorry it happened to you. I can't imagine how awful it can be. I hope you can overcome that. I think talking about it may be healthy for you.

niceWater641 April 9th, 2015

When I was 7-13 my cousin had sexually abused me and raped me multiple times and when I had finally spoke up about it to my older sister, she told me that he did the same to her, so I went to my mom and she didn't believe me, he currently serves in the army

hope2692 OP April 9th, 2015

i think this is just the start of talking

sleepyheadc4273 April 10th, 2015

I was sexually assaulted about a year and a half ago... It is hard for everyone to talk about.

Sunrise110 April 15th, 2015

Absolutely it's really hard to talk about. Here is a fantastic, safe and confidential place to begin that talking. Well done to you all for being here and seeking support. People will really listen to you here weather it's a listener or in the support rooms. Please do talk about the things that bother you, talking can be so very powerful and can take a real load of your shoulders.

musicsaves01 April 16th, 2015

Your profile picture is very inspiring,"from victim to victory". It shows how strong and braveyou truely are. <3